The Original People: the Lenni-Lenape Tribe

Greg Vizzi & Chief Quiet Thunder

18 months ago we had the privilege of interviewing Chief Richard Quiet Thunder Gilbert, a deep visit about his place in creation, and that of his tribe, the Lenni Lenape people, and about their lessons of right relationship with the Earth. Listen to that interview here. Sadly, he passed about 6 months after my interview with him, before the release of the book, written entirely in his words, The Original People: The Ancient Culture and Wisdom of the Lenni-Lenape People. The co-author and main person responsible for pulling together the book is Greg Vizzi, and Greg's wonderful nature photography and pictures of Chief Quiet Thunder fill the book visually, to provide readers a powerful and moving glimpse of an Earth-rooted life and a hopeful vision of a way to heal our connection to the life and planet around us.

Religious/Spiritual Influences: Lutheran, Transcendental Meditation, The Tracker/Tom Brown, Native American

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The Original People: The Lenni-Lenape Tribe

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Many thanks to Mark for his visionary work and for creating a spiritual broadcast platform to inform, inspire, and enlighten the world! Please send this out to your family and friends. Keep up the good work, Mark! 



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