Debunking the Lies My Teacher Told Me

James Lowen holding his book

James Loewen is a sociologist, historian and author. His writings include the renowned Lies My Teacher Told Me. In an effort to expose the truth and improve our world, James stirs the passion for knowledge that unbiased history can provide. His first history textbook had too much fact in it, was suppressed, and led to his successful First Amendment challenge to the censorship of free speech & press. If you have info about a Sundown Town in your area, you can email James at jloewen[at]

Music Featured:
No More Genocide - Holly Near
The Saint Patrick Battalion - David Rovics
Washington Square - Si Kahn

Some publications by James Loewen:
The Mississippi Chinese: Between Black and White
Mississippi: Challenge and Change
Social Science in the Courtroom
The Truth About Columbus
Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your High School History Textbook Got Wrong
Lies Across America: What Our Historic Markers and Monuments Get Wrong
Teaching What Really Happened: How to Avoid the Tyranny of Textbooks & Get Students Excited About Doing History
Sundown Towns: A Hidden Dimension of American Racism
The Confederate and Neo-Confederate Reader: The Great Truth about the Lost Cause

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Debunking the Lies My Teacher Told Me

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James Loewen


History... a consensus when chronicling experience. There are so many people, from just as many places with their individual stake in the story. Example: WWII as told by the journalists at Normandy and Iwo Jima vs. what has been told by US citizens of Japanese decent, incarcerated in internment camps. Then, those stories are so different, than a widow trying to run the family farm while her sons are at Normandy. Then consider the grandson of the grandfather who came home with PDSD and became the crippling element of his family, passing on his pain to the following generations; long after the stories have been printed in the history books. Excellent interview Mark.

I just can't give you 'the best' right off the bat. I am glad I finally got on board. Keep it up there, Helpsmeet!! And I could not figure out how to pause the show when I needed to. Peace Angel

You caught another big one. It left me wanting more. I see he has some youtube vids so I may check them out.

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