War tax resistance, immigration, Middle East, intentional community, books & plays, public office, divestment - Bill & Genie Durland have been called & led to address these concerns and many more. With the Center on Law & Pacifism, Pendle Hill, Christian Peacemaker Teams, the Virginia House of Delegates, and elsewhere, Bill & Genie have walked a faithful life of witness. Order their plays by email at durlandwe@gmail.com.
Each week, Spirit In Action brings you stories of people living lives of fruitful service, of peace, community, compassion, creative action and progressive efforts. We will trace the spiritual roots that support and nourish them in their service. Above all, we will seek out Light, Love and Helping Hands, being shared between our many neighbors on this planet, hoping to inspire and encourage you to sink deep roots and produce sacred fruit in your own life.
Spirit In Action is an hour of interviews with those providing leadership in peace, justice and "good works", interspersed with relevant music. The theme music is "The Turning of the World" performed by Sara Thomsen (written by Ruth Pellham).
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Non-violent Cow takes on ROTC at Marquette U - Bob Graf At Work
First Air Date
Bob Graf spent 7 years as a Jesuit scholastic student, was part of the Milwaukee 14, a 1968 action to destroy draft records during the Vietnam War, and recently he got arrested as a result of his protests of ROTC training at Marquette U<
Deeper Relationship with Earth - Process & Practice
First Air Date
When building relationship with Earth, the best advice may be "don't just do something, sit there!", and 3 participants of a weeklong workshop did something like that, sharing their process, experience, and fruits in this program. eric maya joy, Mary Jo Klingel, and Mary Conrow Coelho speak of roots & fruits of a Quaker Earthcare Witness (QEW) experiment.
Public Secrets & Justice - Heart & Hurt on the Circuit Court Bench
First Air Date
Laura Melvin retired after 10 years as a Florida circuit court judge, and the spirit of one of the young girls whose death came through Laura's courtroom required her to write Public Secrets & Justice: A Journal of a Circuit Court Judge. Laura stayed on the bench as long as she could and left when the pain & contradictions were no longer tolerable. What is the role of an open-hearted, conscientious, judge in the American court system? Laura shares her experiences & insights.
Power to the Pedal People - Bikes, Buses & Climate Change
First Air Date
Jeremy Gragert tackles the climate/environment crisis at home by working on the ways we travel, including his activism with the Chippewa Valley Transit Alliance, Eau Claire Climate Action Now, and the Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin (WisconsinBikeFed.org).
Holy Terror: Lies the Christian Right Tells Us to Deny Gay Equality
First Air Date
Mel White is an eloquent, incisive, and compassionate voice exposing the lies of the Christian Right. This is something he knows from the inside, having ghost-written "autobiographies" for Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and others, before he accepted his homosexualtity as a gift from God, rather than a sin to be obliterated.
Making Friends Among the Taliban - Jonathan P. Larson
First Air Date
Dan Terry did things that are unbelievable in many Western eyes - being welcomed among diverse peoples of Afghanistan, including some among the Taliban. After a life of aid, friendship, and living on the edge in the region, Dan was killed in 2010, and his story and stories are captured in Making Friends Among the Taliban: A Peacemaker's Journey in Afghanistan, written by Jonathan P. Larson.
Risking All for Peace & Justice in Sri Lanka
First Air Date
K. M Rukshan (Ruki) Fernando is chair of Rights Now, a collective of human rights defenders in Sri Lanka, monitoring & documenting human rights violations of the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka. Ruki received the Justice & Peace Award from the Bishop Tji Hak Soon Foundation in Korea in 2009, and he works as a columnist on firsthand human rights, justice and peace issues for online citizen journals, newspapers & religious publications. And much more....
Acting in Faith - AFSC, Sustainable Agriculture, Water Rights, Divestment & Intentional Communities
First Air Date
Madeline Schaefer hosts a variety of segments about AFSC's work concerning sustainable agriculture, water rights, divestment in illegal Palestinian occupation, immigrants, and her own investigation of intentional communities for change.