Who do you know who speaks at least 3 languages, has lived in several countries, performed between Renaissance Fairs year-round for 10 years, writes & sings profoundly deep & moving songs, and can play the harp & the 12-string guitar simultaneously? Ariane Lydon and no one else (to my knowlege)! Living in the Midwest for a couple decades now, Ariane brings a world of beautiful music to our land.
Surfing The Undertow With Marci Geller
First Air Date
Marci Geller can be sweet, has a gift of poetry & melody, sings and writes beautifully, but most of all she weaves a web of magic and inclusion through her music, taking us on a journey of both depth and elevation.
One Man in a One Man Band - MG Bailey
First Air Date
MG Bailey joins us today for SOS. MG is not only a One Man Band, playing simultaneously with hands and feet, while singing, he's a not-in-anyone's box kind of man. Authenticity & creativity mix fruitfully in MG's music, with ideas, stories, and images that stretch us out of our conventional expectations & storylines.
Chemistry, Recovery, UU, & the Music of Jim Phillips
First Air Date
Today is the second time we'll have Jim Phillips with us, and this is kind of a new-and-improved-music of Jim Phillips, with significant overlap of songs from the last time, but with dramatically enhanced versions of some of his tunes.
The Woman In Me - Susan Marie Gallion
First Air Date
Susan Marie Gallion's song, The Woman In Me has won many a heart, and was even nominated for a Grammy Award. Though Susan wrote it, most folks got to know it through the voice of Crystal Gayle.
Squishing Ants & Missing Miller Time
First Air Date
Phil Hoose writes songs that we all love and that other performers love to perform. His best-known, Hey, Little Ant, is a song, but also a book that has sold over 1 million copies in 10 languages. With a quirky eye for seeing the world differently, his songs intrigue, amuse, & enchant. An employee of The Nature Conservancy for decades, and the author of more than 10 books, including the inspirational Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice, Phil's awards include the John Newbery Medal, Sibert Medal, and the National Book Award for Young People's Literature.
Old-Fashioned Folk Singer
First Air Date
Steve Suffet has the heart & the pedigree of a 100% authentic old-fashioned folk singer. Growing up near ground zero of the folk music explosion of NYC in the early 1960's, Steve has witnessed & shared the music of many others, and added his share to the conversation. Though he waited a few decades to start recording his music, Steve has 7 CDs on CDBaby.
Long Island's Exceptional Common Man
First Air Date
Joe Iadanza is an exceptional Common Man from Long Island, who, in addition to his music tinged with Harry Chapin and Bruce Springsteen flavors, has a serious spirituality and healing avocation, which you can access through his LivingRoomStudio.org site, for his meditation, yoga, podcast, & spiritual direction gifts. Joe performs solo, as part of Joe Iadanza & His Beautiful Band, and in a duo with Carolann Solebello.
John McCutcheon in Person!
First Air Date
John McCutcheon is classic & cutting-edge folk music. An amazing singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist, he has now produced 40 albums, performed with all kinds of musical greats, like Pete Seeger, Tom Chapin, Tom Paxton, and Carrie Newcomer. He's witty, deep, creative, prolific, and he's in person for this interview on July 4th, 2019, at Grinnell College as part of the FGC Gathering.
Finding Lost Voices With Mike Ball
First Air Date
Mike Ball of Dr. Mike & the Sea Monkeys and Founder/Executive Director of Lost Voices has an endless streak of creativity, and a passion for creating music that both amuses and changes people.