Love & Family Harmony with David Heitler-Klevans

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David and Jenny Heitler-Klevans have been doing music together as Two of a Kind for around 3 decades. Rooted mostly in the Folk-Americana genre, they have focused on children & family music, 9 albums of it, in addition to a CD for grown-ups. They've garnered 6 Parents' Choice and 3 Creative Child Magazine awards, and a lot more.

Bob Inglis, Annie Patterson, and Peter Blood—The Tide is Rising

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Citizens Climate Education encourages bipartisan support for climate solutions. While people on the Left, Right, and in the Middle might disagree on many issues, Climate Change is one that can bring us together. But this is not always easy to do. It requires listening deeply to others who hold views on issues and policies that differ from my own.

Punk, Meditation & Healing: Erin Incoherent

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Erin Incoherent's music comes straight out of the punk-rock world, though it maybe has drifted also into the folk-punk genre. Whatever the name, whatever the genre, the music is beautiful, the lyrics are moving, and Erin is, herself, a vibrant, deep soul and wonderful songwriter. With songs that capture pain & dysfunction, but also insight & healing, Erin leads the way to a more conscious & compassionate world.

This Too Shall Pass with Chris Wilhelm

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Chris Wilhelm's 5-year journey of healing & growth has birthed his seventh album, This Too Shall Pass, a message & inspiration perfect for the year of COVID-19. Chris' teenage years were a journey mainly through Metal and Punk, but then he was drawn powerfully by the musical inspiration of folk artists like Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, John Prine, and Woody Guthrie on an acoustic voyage of transformation and insight. Having explored the music scene of Boston, then having toured widely and fervently up-and-down the East coast, Chris found a home for his soles and soul in Asheville, NC.

Flute & Longing with Lisa Wildman

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Regular Song of the Soul listeners know how much I love singer-songwriter/folk & music, and it was some of that sort of music that first attracted me to Lisa Wildman, but that only scratches the surface of the music that Lisa makes. As you'll hear today, classical music played exquisitely on her flute is deep in her bones, and we won't even be hearing from the country, zydeco, and opera music she does. Besides playing and singing with orchestras, her collaborations include performing with the folk music-oriented Group W, and the children's music-oriented with Peanut Butter Jellyfish. She was on Song of the Soul in 2010.

Chaucer's Spiritual Progeny - David Arn

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David Arn is a story-teller, or, better yet, a verbal story-painter who came to songwriting late in life, but in time to produce 3 CDs of his music by the age of 70. He self-describes as making music of the Folk Rock, Americana, and Soft Rock varieties, but a very special attribute of his productions are the videos that he has engaged to go with his songs, allowing free rein to artists & video producers to create the videos in reaction to and synergy with David's songs.

Never One Thing - Annie Patterson Rises Again

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She's never just one (musical) thing. As the co-creator of the immensely popular group-singing songbook, Rise Up Singing, and its sequel, Rise AgainAnnie Patterson has one foot securely rooted in the folk music world. Annie must have several feet, because she also has feet well-planted in diverse musical genres, like blues, swing, and jazz.