Dawn Ravella does amazing and varied work for the healing of the world - restorative justice and prison ministries, food pantries and homeless shelters, education on social justice issues, and on and on. She is currently Director of Mission and Outreach at The Reformed Church of Bronxville, and has served Presbyterian and Catholic churches in similar roles, in addition to her work as a holistic therapist.
Gender Outlaws in the Bible
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Peterson Toscano, using wit, humor & theater, illuminates non-conforming gender roles in the Bible, reclaiming existence for a variety of folks ignored & silenced by the mainstream. With his winning humor and incisive vision, Peterson found acceptance for his revolutionary insights when presenting at the joint 2012 conference of the Society of Biblical Literature/American Academy of Religion. His newest theater production is Jesus Had 2 Daddies.
War Taxes, Injustice in Palestine, Racism - A Life of Faith, Joy & Service
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War tax resistance, immigration, Middle East, intentional community, books & plays, public office, divestment - Bill & Genie Durland have been called & led to address these concerns and many more. With the Center on Law & Pacifism, Pendle Hill, Christian Peacemaker Teams, the Virginia House of Delegates, and elsewhere, Bill & Genie have walked a faithful life of witness. Order their plays by email at durlandwe@gmail.com.
Non-violent Cow takes on ROTC at Marquette U - Bob Graf At Work
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Bob Graf spent 7 years as a Jesuit scholastic student, was part of the Milwaukee 14, a 1968 action to destroy draft records during the Vietnam War, and recently he got arrested as a result of his protests of ROTC training at Marquette U
Risking All for Peace & Justice in Sri Lanka
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K. M Rukshan (Ruki) Fernando is chair of Rights Now, a collective of human rights defenders in Sri Lanka, monitoring & documenting human rights violations of the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka. Ruki received the Justice & Peace Award from the Bishop Tji Hak Soon Foundation in Korea in 2009, and he works as a columnist on firsthand human rights, justice and peace issues for online citizen journals, newspapers & religious publications. And much more....
Ain't I A Woman: Kim Harris' Song of the Soul
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Kim Harris and her husband, Reggie, have been conveying passion, history, and spirit through great music for decades. In addition to the folk venues and schools where they've performed and taught, Kim has added learning & teaching as part of the degree she's poised to receive from Union Theological Seminary in NYC.
Poi-Sand Mining - A Fracking Business
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Micro-credit, Simplicity, & Spiritual Activism - The World is our Cloister
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Jennifer Kavanagh is an author, organizer, and spiritual activist. She's worked on and written about diverse topics including micro-credit finance, simplicity, and her recent book, The World is our Cloister: A Guide to the Modern Religious Life. Based in England, her work on the struggling East Side of London and in developing nations around the globe, has tied her spiritual center in transformation of the world.
Lopez Community Land Trust - Transforming Economics & Society
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Sandy Bishop & Rhea Miller were the 2012 Lopez Spirit Award winners for many of their works, including very notably their work with the Lopez Community Land Trust which nurtures the island in myriad ways, like producing net-zero-energy housing developments and the Seed Library. Rhea hosts a home church, drawing on, and continuing beyond, her training in Episcopal seminary.
Gandhi & the Unspeakable: His Final Experiment With Truth
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James W. Douglass is author of a number of books including Gandhi & the Unspeakable: His Final Experiment With Truth. He's cofounder of the Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action in Washington State and Mary's House, a Catholic Worker house in Burmingham, Alabama.