Tony Schultz of Stoney Acres Farm CSA was a fiery speaker at the 3/12/11 Farmer/Union Demonstration in Madison, WI. He's active with the Land Stewardship Project and Family Farm Defenders.
Injustice in Latin America And In The Church
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Fr. Roy Bourgeois become a Catholic priest after witnessing the error of the Vietnam War, and founded SOAWatch after seeing the damage the School of the Americas caused in Bolivia.
Organizing Rockford - Stanley Campbell & Rockford Urban Ministries
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Stanley Campbell has served Rockford Urban Ministries for almost 25 years, a voice for peace, justice and care for the disadvantaged of Illinois' second city. Stanley knows the ropes, having started as a John Birch conservative who volunteered to fight in Vietnam and having learned to question and reexamine what he's been told.
If Grace Is True - Philip Gulley
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Philip Gulley has authored 14 books, including the very popular Harmony series, but today we focus on 2 books co-authored with James Mulholland - If Grace Is True and If God Is Love. Phil visits with us today about his and Jim's growing and evolving conviction, moving them from a traditional fundamentalist viewpoint to a belief in Universal Salvation, and the implications of this revolution of thought.
John McCutcheon - Mightier Than The Sword
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John McCutcheon has a long history as a dedicated musician with a powerful social conscience. Unions, the environment, war, Central America, national unity - these and many more concerns are woven into his music.
Honduran Witness and US CO's - Father Melo plus Center on Conscience and War
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Father Ismael (Melo) Moreno, Jesuit priest & director of Radio Progreso, brings news of Honduras since the coup and Atty JE McNeil talks about CO's like Dr. Timothy Watson, the Military and the Center on Conscience & War.
Whispered Hopes - In support of exploited women
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Renee Wurzer is a leading force behind, a group whose mission is to extend friendship and acceptance to women ostracized by their work in strip clubs. The approach is directly in the path of Jesus who provided welcome to prostitutes, tax collectors and others reviled by society.
ENPH - Environmental Public Health At Work
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A visit with 3 folks with the ENPH program - Environmental Public Health - at UW-EC, a training ground for professionals working with the intersection of public health and the environment. Crispin Pierce is the director of the program and Caleb Johnson and Patrick Bloecher are seniors in the program. At the same time they do the public work with ENPH, they are transformed personally by the experience.
The Wisdom To Know The Difference - Eileen Flanagan
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Eileen Flanagan shares insights & stories of lives heading toward serenity, empowerment and wisdom. A writer, mother and former Peace Corps volunteer in Botswana, Eileen draws on deep spirit and wide ranging vision to help us make decisions leading to a better world.
Alums Serving the World - Brydie Hill & Mark Lassman-Eul
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Through Habitat for Humanity and Project Kenya Charity, 2 Carroll University alums care for the people of the world, both with a special connection to Kenya and both with deep religious motivation.