Climate Apocalyse, Messaging, & Pets

First Air Date

Guest-host Peterson Toscano of Citizens Climate Radio explores climate apocalypse, fear, & how to deliver the message effectively, in the first part of today's program, and in part two he'll talk about pets & climate change. Peterson speaks with Halldor Björnsson, the Head of the Atmospheric Research Group at Veðurstofa Iceland also known as the Icelandic Met Office, Dr.

Citizens Climate Radio with Peterson Toscano

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Peterson Toscano of Citizens Climate Radio sits in today as host of Spirit In Action, adding to our Climate Change IQ and giving us reasons for hope and diligence in face of some very compelling needs. As always, Peterson does it with style, creativity, and a generous helping of his brand-name quirky humor & comedy. His guests today include Cathy Orlando, Clara Fang, Piper Christian, Rod Mitchell, Madeleine Para, Lilace Mellin Guignard, and Joanna Huxter.

Gender Outlaws in the Bible

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Peterson Toscano, using wit, humor & theater, illuminates non-conforming gender roles in the Bible, reclaiming existence for a variety of folks ignored & silenced by the mainstream. With his winning humor and incisive vision, Peterson found acceptance for his revolutionary insights when presenting at the joint 2012 conference of the Society of Biblical Literature/American Academy of Religion. His newest theater production is Jesus Had 2 Daddies.

Peterson Toscano - Ex-gay Survivor

First Air Date

Peterson's born-again experience at the age of 17 catapulted him into the world of Evangelical Christianity, good except that Peterson was, and is, gay. After 17 years of attempting to become "ex-gay", he finally had to accept his reality and seek healing and wholeness. Through his theatrical and stand-up comedy pieces like "Doin' Time in the Homo No Mo Halfway House" and other work, Peterson has become a leading proponent of the Ex-gay Survivor Movement/Beyond Ex-gay.