Michael Johnathon is a farmer - a songfarmer - and he cultivates folk music from his log cabin just outside of Lexington, Kentucky, by his personal writing, playing and touring, through his 20 albums, but also via the radio and video show called WoodSongs that he's been broadcasting on hundreds of stations for the past 18 years.
Si Kahn's 80th: Part 2 with John McCutcheon & Cathy Fink
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Part 2 of a birthday celebration for Si Kahn on his 80th birthday, this week with John McCutcheon and Cathy Fink, sharing streams of music and meaning that flow from Si Kahn.
Si Kahn's 80th: Part 1 with Phoebe Rees & Joe Jencks
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As a happy birthday to Si Kahn for his 80th birthday, this week and next week we are sharing songs and stories by & about Si as performed by the hand-chosen successors to Si's work and music. Today that means we are joined by Phoebe Rees & Joe Jencks.
Art-powered Activism, Then and Now
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Ken Grossinger has written a compelling new book about the synergy and power possible between art and organizing. His book is Art Works: How Organizers and Artists Are Creating a Better World Together and it brings together many social change efforts of the recent decades and the various forms of art that empowered dramatic movement toward change.
Led by Mother Jones - Si Kahn, Vivian Nesbitt, John Dillon, Joe Jencks - Part Two
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Part 2 of a visit with Si Kahn, Vivian Nesbitt, John Dillon, and a special guest, Joe Jencks, where we will looking at the musical written by
Led by Mother Jones - Si Kahn, Vivian Nesbitt, John Dillon - Part One
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Si Kahn is joining us today for Spirit In Action along with two other folks, Vivian Nesbitt and John Dillon, and this week's show is part one where we will looking at the musical written by Si Kahn called Mother Jones in Heaven.
Deep, Sad, & Hopeful Holidays December 2023: Part 2
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Second part of Songs Beyond the Norm for the December 2023 Holidays, focused today on Christmas, but with twists both deep and heavy, and still moving toward Light.
Holidays December 2023 - Songs Beyond the Norm, Part 1
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First part of Songs Beyond the Norm for the December 2023 Holidays, with humor and humility, for Hanukkah, Solstice, & Christmas, in ways you'd never expect.
Never One Thing - Annie Patterson Rises Again
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She's never just one (musical) thing. As the co-creator of the immensely popular group-singing songbook, Rise Up Singing, and its sequel, Rise Again, Annie Patterson has one foot securely rooted in the folk music world. Annie must have several feet, because she also has feet well-planted in diverse musical genres, like blues, swing, and jazz.
Sing Out The Vote & MVP (Movement Voter Project)
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In an effort to support MVP (Movement Voter Project), Annie Patterson & Peter Blood of RiseUpAndSing.org organized 5 on-line benefit concerts to raise funds, consciousness, & energy to Sing Out The Vote.