Bianca van Heydoorn spoke at this year's FGC Gathering, held this year at Haverford College, just outside of Philadelphia, which made it much easier to have Bianca here for Spirit In Action.
Blood Against the Draft & A Protest Primer
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David Eberhardt was one of the Baltimore Four, along with Phil Berrigan, and David spent 21 months in prison for pouring blood on Selective Service draft records.
War Tax Refusal, Jail, & Joyful Activism - Karl Meyer
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Karl Meyer has been a deep-thinking & devoted practicing advocate for peace and justice since his mid-teens. His pioneering in war tax refusal, and his enthusiastic & fearless advocacy of refusal of complicity with injustice, whether in war, in nuclear weapons, in environmental conditions, or in economics, has inspired legions of activists.
Singing In Prison
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Andy Douglas is author of Redemption Songs – A Year In The Life of a Prison Community Choir, a piercing look inside US prisons, and he is also author of a memoir The Curve of the World: Into the Spiritual Heart of Yoga, about his 7 years in Asia as a devotee and monk with Ananda Marga. Redemption Songs is a powe
Healing from Prison & Racism: Carl Fields
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Carl Fields emerged from 16 years in prison with a passion & a gift for healing. In addition to his work a program manager with the Hospitality Center at St.
Prison & MOSES
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Our justice system is deeply flawed, and one of the forces working to repair the breaks is MOSES (Madison Organizing in Strength, Equality, and Solidarity), a congregation-based community effort to transform the criminal justice norms of Madison, WI, as part of a statewide organization, WISDOM, which is affiliated nationwide with Gamaliel.
Viking Economics
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George Lakey really packs a punch with his book, Viking Economics: How the Scandinavians Got It Right - And How We Can Too
The End of Juvenile Prison
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Burning Down the House: The End of Juvenile Prison, by Nell Bernstein, takes an unflinching look at the travesty we call juvenile prison. She has an unequivocal solution - get rid of them. With some 20 years of knowing the system and by telling the stories of the victims of it, Nell explores the history, reform, trends, and consequences of the "reformatories" which do the exact opposite of their supposed purpose.
Resister - Doing Time for Doing Good
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Bruce Dancis is author of Resister: A Story of Protest and Prison during the Vietnam War, was raised by secular Jewish parents, nurtured at the NY Society for Ethical Culture, and became a passionate advocate for social justice and student leader as a student at Cornell U.
Alternatives to Violence, in US Prisons, Nigeria, & Nepal
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Mary Amel is a facilitator for the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) through FNVW/AVP Minnesota. AVP happens in 6 prisons in Minnesota and a few dozen states around the USA, and widely internationally.