Anne Feeney is a rabble rouser activist whose music is zeroed in on exposing the failings and promoting the positive possibilities for our world. She's a modern union maid and hellraiser, working for the people and against war, injustice, corporate greed and much more.
Mediator & Prisoner for Peace
First Air Date
Joseph Maizlish voluntarily relinquished his deferment during the Vietnam War and spent 2 1/2 years in jail. His work now includes mediation and activities with Southern California War Tax Resistance. Family counseling, civil rights, antinuclear work are all part of his path.
Music Featured:
Have You Been to Jail for Justice? - Anne Feeney
Travelers - Andy & Terry Murray
Grace Goes To Prison
First Air Date
Melanie G. Snyder is author of Grace Goes To Prison which tells the story of Grace Marie Hamilton's growing and deepening work in Pennsylvania prisons, covering a wide variety of initiatives and programs aimed at reforming, improving and humanizing the lives of prisoners. Melanie also interacts with the legal system in her work as a restorative justice mediator.
WNPJ Awards - Esther Heffernan & Prison Reform
First Air Date
The Wisconsin Network for Peace & Justice will be presenting its Lifetime Achievement award on October 3, 2009. One awardee, Esther Heffernan, is a Dominican nun and Sociology prof at Edgewood College, with a lifetime concern for prison reform. Steve Burns, program coordinator for WNPJ also joins us.