In 2017 David Bucura became overall coordinator for AGLI (African Great Lakes Initiative) of Friends Peace Teams, working on peace and reconciliation in the nations of that region: Rwanda, Burundi, Congo (DRC), Kenya, Uganda, & Tanzania.
Solar: Clear, Compelling, Complex
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Ralph Jacobson has been a steadfast advocate for solar since he founded IPS Solar in 1991. In 2017 they became the fastest-growing Twin Cities Business, all the more rewarding because of their practice of inviting women & people of color into the mostly male-dominated industry, and for Ralph's effort to use (Minnesota Investment Crowdfunding) to jump-start solarization of the Red Lake Nation reservation.
Native Land Return
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John Stoesz carries a ministry advocating land reparations with indigenous peoples as he has traveled 1000's & 1000's of miles on his recumbent trike, working with Dakota peoples in Minnesota, working with and alongside Unsettling Minnesota, coalition for Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery, and Waziyatawin, author of What Does Justice Look Like.
Social Permaculture -The Big Picture
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Permaculture is much more than organic gardening because it uses whole systems thinking. It is explained eloquently by Carol Barta of the Kansas Permaculture Institute, one of the places where Carol teaches folks to see the world differently by focusing on the Big Picture, supported by the 3 core tenets and 12 design principles of permaculture.
Nonviolence Inspirations
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George Lakey passes on the inspirations that led him to a life of activism & social change, among them Bayard Rustin & Lucrecia Mott.
African Diaspora Plant Medicine Project
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Pamela Boyce-Simms does so much & is active at so many different levels that there is just too much to talk about.
Prairie Reborn
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Jim Kessler has taught biology for 34 years in Iowa, in the course of which he found a leading to restore the native habitats on a plot of 29 acres that he and his wife bought, including some 15 acres of Tall Grass Prairie, now held by the Bur Oak Land Trust.
Compassion Across the Border
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Tim Reed is active with a number of protests, witnesses, and helping hands to those in pilgrimmage across the Mexico/USA border in the Las Cruces NM area. He is active with Oak Tree Project and NM CAFé (Comunidades en Acción y de Fé), protested at Tornillo Dentention tent city, and sought communication with the authorities on the border.
Love Thy Neighbor Advocacy
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Government of, by, & for the People is built by the kind of Spirit that Christine Ashley & Katie Breslin draw on to make flourish the work of FCNL, as Quaker Field Secretary & Young Adult Program Manager, respectively. They make advocacy rewarding & lively from their offices facing the Hart Senate Office Building in D.C.
Earth-Community Values & Money Dilemmas
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Hayley Hathaway is passionate about the relationships between ecology, economy, and faith. She is publications director for Quaker Earthcare Witness and lives as part of the South of Monadnock Community, after having spent 6 years with Casa de los Amigos in Mexico City.