Amy DeLong - Kairos CoMotion

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A visit with Amy DeLong, founder of Kairos CoMotion, an organization aiming to Reform, Network and Act-Up within the United Methodist Church to confront discrimination, including that against gays and lesbians.

Music Featured:

Oh My Children - Sara Thomsen
What Shall I Give - Sara Thomsen
Everything Possible - Fred Small

First Air Date

Amy DeLong - Kairos CoMotion

Audio file

Networking is one of the goals of Kairos CoMotion, and Amy relates a story of the personal impact of her efforts to connect people.
A primary focus of the work of Kairos CoMotion is unlearning the church's prejudice against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, a prejudice that affects Amy directly.
Amy relates that the ONLY categorical basis for refusal to ordain is homosexuality - beyond any other action or state of being.
What about the future of those children who grow up in the heart of congregations who proclaim Jesus' unconditional love - and learn otherwise.
Amy shares 2 thoughts about the Biblical passages about homosexuality.
A book by Parker Palmer jarred Amy to admit that she could no longer deny the truth she held inside. She could live divided no more.

Broadcast Date(s)


Amy DeLong


Your interview with Amy 3 years ago is an important marker in the on-going history of The United Methodist Church and sexuality in general - in this case that of gay men and lesbians. Amy talked about the potential of a trial and it appears that is about to happen. Thank you for the good questions you asked of an articulate responder. That combination has and will spark growth the life of both individuals and institutions.

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