Carnism - Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, & Wear Cows - Melanie Joy

Cover of Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows

Melanie Joy presents deep thought and a check on our clouded view of reality in the new edition of her book, Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: an Introduction to Carnism, in which she introduces the concept of carnism & explores the psychological mechanisms that buttress the dysfunctional, arbitrary, and unhealthy way that people decide which animals we eat and which we keep as pets. And the questions are foundational to our lives, explored in further detail in her other books, about empathy, connection, violence, nonviolence, and healthy relationships. With penetrating thought, Melanie draws on her Harvard education, to unravel the twisted web we live within.

Religious/Spiritual Influences: Quaker, Buddhism, Meditation, Non-affiliated

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Full, Uncut Interview With Melanie Joy

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Carnism - Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, & Wear Cows - Melanie Joy

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Melanie Joy


Thank you, Mark, for helping raise awareness of this critical social and ecological issue -- and for being such a gracious, thoughtful, and easy-to-talk to host! Speaking with you was really a pleasure. 

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