Chester McCoy's Song of the Soul

Chester McCoy

Chester McCoy grew up Catholic in a working class neighborhood of St Louis when segregation was still the rule. His way out of the limitations and oppression of racism was through education, social work and his his rich connections with people, including college at St John's in Collegeville, Minnesota. Chester has been writing songs for about 30 years now, and is a Quaker, a member of Minneapolis Friends Meeting.

Chester McCoy's Song of the Soul includes the following music, all written and performed by Chester:

The Ballad of Willie Doyle
The Lonesome Death of Ignatius of Loyola
Where I Grew Up
Bad News
Searching for the Pentecost
Soft Cotton Petticoat
Epistle #9
The Hardest Time

Episode Number


First Air Date

Chester McCoy's Song of the Soul

Audio file

The Ballad of Willie Doyle
The Lonesome Death of Ignatius of Loyola

Broadcast Date(s)


Chester McCoy


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