Tom Prasada-Rao Tribute, Part 1: Buddha & the Fox Run Five

Tom Prasada-Rao and the Fox Run Five

Part 1 of a tribute to Tom Prasada-Rao, who passed on 6/19/24. Today's stories & music are shared by the other members of the Fox Run FiveNeale EcksteinMatt NakoaEric Schwartz, & Jagoda. For close to a decade these 5 musicians gathered annually for a week-long session of songwriting in community, with Tom as a special magical center to their work & love. Watch videos of many of their songs on the FoxRunStudio channel on YouTube.

All featured music is written and performed by Tom Prasada-Rao & other members of the Fox Run Five:

Messy Bed - watch the video on Youtube
Twenty Dollar Bill – by Tom Prasada-Rao, watch the video on Youtube
Don't Wait To Say I Love You 
How We Say Goodbye - watch the video on Youtube
Can A Man Know Why - watch the video on Youtube

Episode Number


First Air Date

Tom Prasada-Rao Tribute, Part 1: Buddha & the Fox Run Five

Audio file

Tom was a fun and expressive person, including his enthusiasm for singing the Fox Run Five's song F-You!

Broadcast Date(s)


Neale Eckstein
Matt Nakoa
Eric Schwartz


Thanks so much for hosting Tom Prasada Rao's talented friends and collaborators. These guys sound so beautiful together, and they pay glorious tribute to one of the deepest and most gifted of songwriters ever.  Looking forward to hearing Part 2!

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