Roger Gottlieb
Morality & the Environmental Crisis

Roger Gottlieb brings piecing, passionate, comprehensible analysis to our looming environmental disaster, its root causes, and possible ways forward in the newly released book, Morality & the Environmental Crisis. Combining rigorous examination with principled spirituality, Roger shows clear-eyed possibilities for healing our Earth connection, not a moment too soon. Roger Gottlieb is Professor of Philosophy at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:

Ep. 36: Extraordinary Climate Advocates -- Sam Daley Harris, Glen Retief

Citizens’ Climate Radio is a monthly podcast hosted by CCL volunteer Peterson Toscano.

Max Klau
Race & Social Change: Science & Spirit

In his new book, Race and Social Change: A Quest, A Study, A Call to ActionMax Klau uses wide-ranging social science investigation to search for a way forward on dealing with racism and privilege in the USA. The starting point is Camp Anytown's Separation Exercise, which has led to the awakening of many minds. Max's exploration of that tool, supplemented by his years of service as VP of Leadership Development at City Year and currently as CPO with the New Politics Leadership Academy, have given him powerful insights into the dynamics of human growth and change.

Harmonizing With Lamed Vavniks, Hafiz, & The Gita

Together Ira Levin and Julia Bordenaro Levin (sometimes with other artists) are The Levins, a weaving of beautiful music, harmonies, & lyrics. Ira comes from rich Jewish ground and avidly draws on mysticism from around the world. Ira & Julia have performed children's music as Uncle Eye & Ms Melody, and Kirtan music with Mirabai Moon, among others. Their songs are joyful, reflective, entrancing, accessible and stunning, all the more so because of precious content. With broadway, classical, rock and roll, jazz, & baroque influences in their lives and music, you will be enriched, entertained, & uplifted.

Resisting Extinction All Ways

Climate change has real clout on Gael Henry Carlut’s Pandan Island in the Philippines, as Marissa Slaven brings the crisis to life with her eco-mystery novel, Code BlueNicole Chatterson hauls plastic out of the Pacific next to Hawaii, while Dominic Scicchitano finds micro-plastics in Pennsylvania’s Susquehanna River. Eileen Flanagan harnasses social change energy, while Robin Boardman & many others fight for the future as part of Extinction RebellionPeterson Toscano brings them all together throu

Pacifist Curmudgeon & War Tax Redirection

Across the country, the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee (NWTRCC) links energies of folks like Anne Barron of the Peace Resource Center of San Diego, the Truth & Poverty Tour in San Diego, and War Tax Redirection, and Larry Bassett, the curmudgeonly, conscientious, Gandalf-bearded subject of the documentary, The Pacifist (trailer and full video).

The Other Ethiopian Eunuch

Who in the Bible transgresses and transcends gender? Ebed Malech in Jeremiah 38 is a foreigner and a sexual and gender minority--an Ethiopian eunuch.Peterson Toscano, a cisgender, gay Bible scholar unpacks this story then discusses it with Liam.

Then Liam reads "another text" by Yehuda Amichai

Ismael and Hagar - Genesis 16 & 21

Mother and son are brought into the family then become outsiders. Liam shares the moving story of Hagar and Ishmael and compares their experiences in Genesis chapters 16 and 21 to experiences of LGBTQ people today. 

Peterson then shares "another text," and reads a passage from the ancient poem, The Epic of Gilgamesh

War Tax Day 2019 Part 1

How does one learn about the alternatives to paying half your federal income tax to the military? Lincoln Rice, coordinator for the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee ( sent out a message about groups doing that kind of education around Tax Day 2019. We visit with Lincoln about that report, and his work with the Casa Maria Catholic Worker House in Milwaukee, and with Sue Barnhart of Eugene, Oregon's Taxes For Peace Not War.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Catholic, Catholic Worker

The Creation of the Earth Being - Genesis 1 & 2

Liam Michael Hooper, a Trans Bible scholar loves to dig deep into Bible texts, especially in the Hebrew Bible. As co-host of Bible Bash Podcast, he begins in the beginning in the Book of Genesis. He unearths an earth creature who is not assigned a gender at creation.