Peter Phippen
Living Music, Sacred Flute

Peter Phippen is best known, perhaps, as a master of the flute - actually many different types of flutes, including those of Native American origin. That is, in fact, what earned him a Grammy nomination back in 2010. But Peter is all about all music, so you'll also frequently encounter him rocking out on his bass and whatever other form of music and instrumentation the moment calls for. In particular, his ability to improvise soul-deep on his flutes is known to transport listeners young and old.

Tyler Norman
Solidarity Not Charity

Tyler Norman and the folks of the Mutual Aid Disaster Relief network are exploring and implementing a new way to deal with the rising number of disasters that have been demanding rapid response, including those caused by climate change, like floods, hurricanes, and fires. Using a horizontal and co-conspirator model of organizing, they've leveraged lots of solutions to bring people together in strength. Their motto is Solidarity Not Charity.

Nicole Chatterson, University of Hawaii
Ep 35 Plastic Pollution and Heavy Metal

Nicole Chatterson at the University of Hawaii and Dominic Scicchitano at Bucknell University in Pennsylvania have spent a lot of time in the water. Nicole talks about plastic pollution she has been hauling up in the Pacific Ocean while Dominic shares his findings regarding micro-plastics in the Susquehanna River. The segment helps listeners connect plastic production and pollution with climate change. What happens to our trash once we throw it out?

Prison & MOSES

Our justice system is deeply flawed, and one of the forces working to repair the breaks is MOSES (Madison Organizing in Strength, Equality, and Solidarity), a congregation-based community effort to transform the criminal justice norms of Madison, WI, as part of a statewide organization, WISDOM, which is affiliated nationwide with Gamaliel. Eric Howland is President of MOSES, and, among other things, was a founder of station WIDE-LP FM.

Painting the Sky with Music

Kora Feder paints the sky, beautifully, with her words and melodies. Drawing on years living around the world, notably in Asia, and nurtured by musically-gifted parents like Rita Hosking & Sean Feder, Kora creates her very own style and power of music, wrestling with life and meaning with heart, wisdom, & creativity.

Inviting Democracy Back

Our democratic republic has been seriously undermined, particularly over the past 10-15 years, but fortunately there are people like Jay Heck, executive director of Common Cause - Wisconsin, working diligently to rebuild the structures of democracy. Common Cause works nationally for government of, by, and for the people by fighting against gerrymandering, voter suppression, & buying elections, and working for ethics, accountability, & voting rights.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Catholic, Non-affiliated, Unitarian Universalist

Victoria Shoemaker

Victoria Shoemaker is a multi-instrumentalist with a deep affinity & talent for the flute. Classically trained, but having discovered her deep passion in improvisational flute, and having been mentored by Eau Claire’s grammy-nominated flute artist, Peter Phippen, Victoria’s gifts are impressive and diverse. She rocks, folks, classicals & can definitely spin ethereal music of the spheres. Plus she’s been twice nominated for the People’s Choice Award for Best Music Teacher in NW Wisconsin. All this and she is still a few years away from 30. Also, catch her onstage with Peter Phippen in the mini rock duo Virginia Steel.

Jennifer Harvey
Raising White Kids Beyond Color-Blind

Racial Color-Blindness & Diversity Training can't get us to MLK's Dream, but maybe Race-Conscious Parenting can. Jennifer Harvey is the author of Raising White Kids: Bringing Up Children in a Racially Unjust America, with both practical & philosophical guidance for those who would like to make the dream real. Jennifer's Ph.D. from Union Theological Seminary is in Christian Social Ethics, and she is Professor of Religion at Drake University.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
American Baptist, Baptist, Liberation Theology

Carla Alejo
Curing the Hoarding Disorder

In the land of "he who dies with the most toys wins" and where we're taught that more-and-more possessions will make us happy, it's hardly a surprise that hoarding is of epidemic proportions. Though the disorder has been addressed piecemeal, Catholic Charities of Milwaukee created a comprehensive Hoarding Intervention & Treatment Program in 2016, whose Director, Carla Alejo, is also chair of the Milwaukee Hoarding Task Force.

Katy Vernon
Ukulele Songbird

Katy Vernon is a rare combination of deep, joyful, heart-rending, creative, and spritely. Wielding her trusty ukulele and backed up by a rich assortment of instruments, her voice, tunes, & lyrics will embed themselves in your heart. Born & raised in England, Katy landed in Minnesota in 1993, and has produced 3 CDs over the past 10 years. Just recently she performed her 4th Toilet Tune with Sarah Morris.