Randall Adams
Wind, Waves, Dreams, & Music

Randall Adams has a passion for and connection to the the sacred Earth, especially the slice of heaven known as Lake Superior. From a very talented musical family and devoted to music from an early age, Randall spent years with music as his side job, doing chiropractic in the day. With retirement came his opportunity to flesh out his folk-ish tastes & talents, leading to the release of his CD West Wind.

Jennifer Evans
Just Folk In Boston

Jennifer Evans is the real folk deal. Covering traditional folk songs & adding songs composed by her brother, Griff Evans, Jennifer finger picks the tender chords of your heart. With decades of experience, she is late to emerge from the shadow of her day job to warm our souls with real, authentic, & skillful songs of the human condition.

Juneteenth in Clear Water

A visit to the 2019 Juneteenth celebration in Eau Claire, WI. Speakers included Berlye Middleton, 1st African-American Eau Claire city council member, and president of Uniting Bridges of Eau Claire, Selika Ducksworth-Lawton, a history professor at UW-Eau Claire, Aaron Zook - Priest in Charge at Christ Episcopal Church in Chippewa FallsSarah Ferber, associate director of Chippewa Valley EXPORep. Jodi Emerson. Music was provided by Irie Sol.

Ep 37 CCR Ep 37 Baseball, Circus, and Climate Change with MLB pitcher Brent Suter and circus artist Eliana Dunlap

In this episode we feature two people with very unconventional jobs. Milwaukee Brewers pitcher, Brent Suteris concerned about climate change. He is using his platform to speak out. Circus artist and podcaster, Eliana Dunlap, "does circus" and is using circus arts to raise awareness about climate change.

Bible Bash For Good

The Bible Bash Podcast is hosted on Northern Spirit Radio because of the way that Peterson Toscano of Citizen's Climate Radio and Liam Hooper, of Ministries Beyond Welcome, use their expertise and insight to transform the way we think about the Bible and what it means in our lives. As a gay man and a trans man, they see things that many others have been blind to. As they co-host today, they consider two Bible verses and two non-Bible inspirational passages, to think deeply about inclusion, belonging, immigrants, the Earth, and connection.

Voices United

Jerry Hui is an amazing choral director, both composing and bringing out of singers intricate & moving performances. Jerry is Director of Choral Activities at UW-Stout, and directs a number of other groups, including Schola Cantorum of Eau Claire. Growing up in Hong Kong, headed for a livelihood working with computers, Jerry found magic in music, and unity in choir.

Learning Peace In Southeast Asia

Nadine Hoover has some 40 years experience working for and training people for peace, much of it in Southeast Asia. Having found that her work as an international project manager wasn't doing what she wanted, she immersed herself in the work of AVP - Alternatives to Violence Project, and major peace work and training with the Friends Peace Teams. With amazing, frightening, & inspirational stories, Nadine passes on tools for peace-making in the toughest places.

Ashpenaz Chief Eunuch -- Daniel One

Ashpenaz, the chief eunuch of Babylon suddenly must care for three traumatized foreign boys. The eunuch is tasked with preparing these children, the survivors of war, for service to the very king who destroyed their families. They are shattered, and come to Ashpenaz with a request for a special diet. Learn about the extraordinary kindness of Ashpenaz, a foreigner and gender outsider. Cisgender gay Bible scholar, Peterson Toscano shares the story from Daniel chapter one and discusses it with co-host, Liam Hooper, a trans Bible scholar. 

Liam then shares, "another text," this time a Ugaritic prayer to Ba'al. 

Pete Seeger's Last Songs

Pat Humphries of Emma's Revolution was at Pete Seeger's bedside as he died, singing to him. Pat and Sandy O of Emma's Revolution, along with Sally RogersCharlie KingAnnie Patterson, and Peter Blood, join in the post-intermission part of a concert to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Pete Seeger's birth, held April 27th in Northampton, MA, at the Unitarian Society, as a benefit for Climate Action Now MA, part of a wealth of events for the 100th anniversary.

Happy 100th Birthday Pete Seeger

1st part of a concert to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Pete Seeger's birth, held April 27th in Northampton, MA, at the Unitarian Society, as a benefit for Climate Action Now MA, part of a wealth of events for the 100th anniversary. This concert includes performances by Emma's RevolutionSally RogersCharlie KingAnnie Patterson, and Peter Blood.