Hayat Imam
Islam's Water of Life

Hayat Imam is an American-Muslim of Bangladeshi origin. She is a feminist-activist committed to building global social justice movements. Former Executive Director of the Boston Women’s Fund and Board Chair of Grassroots International, she is an active member of Mass Peace Action and Dorchester People for Peace. Hayat was a keynote speaker at the Boston Women’s March in January 2017 and, in the summer of 2018, at the Poor People’s Campaign on the War Economy. She offers a four-part Course on Islam called: Understanding Islam: A Muslim Woman’s Perspective on the Essence of Islam, the Diversity of the Muslim World, and its Relationship with the West.

Unwanted Children & Traumatized Foreign Boys

Will the issues every stop repeating themselves? Everything is not about the Bible, but a good share of everything is in the Bible, at least if you look with the discerning eyes of Peterson Toscano, a gay man who produces the monthly Citizen's Climate Radio blog, and Liam Hooper, a North Carolinian trans man of Ministries Beyond Welcome. In this episode of Bible Bash they look at the experience of being the unacceptable/unloved child (like Ismael) and the foreign boy with a need for a caring adult (Daniel with Ebed Malech). Long ago stories, but so relevant today, like on the southern US border.

Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milkah, and Tirzah--Numbers 27

Liam shares the story of five sisters who appear in Numbers 27. Without any attachment to a male heir, they will end up desperately destitute that is of course until they lobby for their cause and end up changing Mosaic law. 

Peterson follows up with the "Other Text." A reading from Gender Outlaws--The Next Generation. Peterson reads an excerpt from Kate Bornstein's introduction. 

Guitar or the Gun

Justin Jay Arnold is himself and nobody else, happy to wrestle with the full range of beliefs, heading toward preacher-hood complete with his tattoos, scraggly beard, & shaved head, and making his own music of whatever type. With a father who played in the Feather River Canyon Band, and with influences like CCR, Waylon Jennings, & Elvis, Justin's gravelly, open-hearted vocals and lyrics swim on the deep side with no saccharine taste at all. Who else sings of choosing between a guitar and a bullet to his head? Find his 3 albums to-date on CDBaby.

Powerarchy to Social Transformation

In Powerarchy: Understanding the Psychology of Oppression for Social Transformation, psychologist Melanie Joy helps us find a way to rethink power, rewrite our future by understanding the structure, workings, & consequences of powerarchy. Melanie is also author of Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows, and currently lives in Berlin, Germany, doing her work of building compassion in the world.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Buddhism, Non-affiliated, Quaker

Dr. Donald White & Dr. Michael L Curry
Ep 41 Tuskegee University Research Breakthrough and Acting for Climate

Tuskegee University is a historically Black University in Alabama founded in 1881. From the early work of George Washington Carver, Tuskegee has trained generations of researchers who are unraveling mysteries from the natural world. Dr. Carver wrote, “I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.” 

Ralph Jacobson
Solar: Clear, Compelling, Complex

Ralph Jacobson has been a steadfast advocate for solar since he founded IPS Solar in 1991. In 2017 they became the fastest-growing Twin Cities Business, all the more rewarding because of their practice of inviting women & people of color into the mostly male-dominated industry, and for Ralph's effort to use MnVest.org (Minnesota Investment Crowdfunding) to jump-start solarization of the Red Lake Nation reservation. Ralph is the founding president of MnSEIA (Minnesota Solar Energy Industries Association.

Carrie Newcomer
Loving Beyond Knowing

With her music, Carrie Newcomer shines light, raises up hope, and brings us home to that perfect center in our hearts, the place where the Divine and our very best both reside.With 3 new CDs and 3 years additional experience since our last visit, we're overdue to have her back. Carrie Newcomer lives in south-central Indiana, and has released a total of 18 CDs; Carrie periodically shares the stage with writer & profound thinker, Parker Palmer, in a collaboration called The Growing Edge.

Michael Birkel
Reading the Qur'an As Friends & Neighbors

Michael Birkel is a Professor of Christian Spirituality at ESR (Earlham School of Religion) who became a self-taught friend of the Qur'an. In addition to the courses he has taught at ESR and Earlham College, he led a week-long workshop called Reading the Qur'an as Friends as part of the 2019 FGC Gathering. He is author of Qur'an In Conversation, and he's been a guest on QuakerSpeak.org.

Will Fudeman
The Green Trees of Ithaca

Will Fudeman's musical muse is very strongly connected to his hopes, prayers, & vision for the world. Having worked as a social worker & therapist, he is currently doing healing work with Eastern arts including acupuncture & Qi Gong. Will completes his lifework with his music, which he performs on guitar & mandolin. Spiritually/philosophically fueled by both his Jewish Identity and Taoist leanings, he sings with meaning and a promise of hope. Will has performed with a number of artists, including Cayuga Klezmer Revival. Find Will's 3 CDs on CDBaby.