Ep 43 From the Oil Fields in Venezuela to Climate Justice in the USA—Solemi Hernandez

In this episode you will meet a fellow climate action figure. Solemi Hernandez finds great joy and fulfillment in the climate work she does. In hearing some of her own story, we hope it inspires you in your own. Originally from Venezuela, Solemi has lived in the US state of Florida for the past 17 years. She seeks to improve conditions for immigrant farm workers. She is also raising her two sons, and Solemi has taken on a very big mission. She wants to save the world starting in her own community. 

Holiday Songs You Won't Hear At The Mall

Dean Stevens brought together recordings of Christmas-related songs which are well out of the US mainstream. He calls the collection Holiday Songs you Won’t Hear at the Mall, and they range from funny to serious, some are in Spanish, and many call to a deeper look at values and stories we should really be living out.

Sigrid Christiansen
Dreams, Animals, & Free Folk

Sigrid Christiansen weaves a mystical spell with her music. Self-described on CDBaby as 'free folk' music, her voice, music, & lyrics are charming & enchanting. Animals, dreams, and whimsy feed her music, which she shares solo and with others, like the Taller Than They Appear quartet. For years she has produced the Stone House Concert Series.

Monique Morris
Healing Black & Brown Girls

In Sing a Rhythm, Dance a Blues: Education for the Liberation of Black and Brown GirlsMonique W. Morris orchestrates a vision of ways forward for the healing of the black & brown girls in the USA. Drawing on the science & the art of human change, Monique identifies the obstructions, & spot-lights the ways over, around, & through them.

Featured Music:
I'm a Woman - performed by Koko Taylor
God Bless the Child - performed by Billie Holiday
Nobody Knows My Name - performed by Queen Latifa
Collard Greens & Cornbread - performed by Fantasia

Particle Kid
Wondrous Particle of the Nelson Muse

Particle Kid (J. Micah Nelson) is a fountain of insight, creativity, vision, & inspiration - through music. The recipient of a wondrous musical muse passed from his father, Willie Nelson, and through his older brother, Lukas Nelson, Micah magically synthesizes light, sound, thought, & melody into songs to grow the soul. Micah is closely rooted in the sustainable Earth at the same he soars high in the sky, a creator of Window Rock.

Joseph and the Not So Amazing Disaster Relief Plan -- Genesis 47

Peterson shares the story of Joseph from Genesis chapter 47. Long after the incident with the coat of many colors (which is quite possibly a princess dress) Joseph is in Egypt. Through his gift of dream analysis, he predicts a famine, and then proposes an adaptation plan. While his plan is effective, it is totally unjust. Hear Peterson and Liam discuss this story with a climate justice twist

Then Liam shares The Other Text, a poem by Leah Goldberg.

Artists Changing the World

Music by 6 of the top 13 finalists of the 2018 Songs of Social Change contest, rich in world-changing energy and genres, with influences from Canada, Equador, Japan, New Mexico, and everywhere. December 1, 2019 is deadline for the this year's contest.. Songs of Social Change is a project of the Renaissance Artists and Writers Association (, led by Dada Veda, part of Ananda Marga.

Ep 42 Better Angels Bridging the Political Divide

Adam Rosenbalm and Austin Ramsey study at East Tennessee State University (ETSU.) Both raised in Conservative families in the South, they arrived on campus at a time when American citizens were more politically polarized than ever.  After the 2016 election it seemed the country was more polarized than ever.

Biodegradable Plastic & Anthropocene Pastoral

There's excitement as science seeks ways back from the brink of climate disaster. Peterson Toscano of Citizens Climate Radio talkes with Dr. Michael L Curry & Dr. Donald White about one potential solution, with Blair Bazdarich & Hannah Pickard of NNOCCI about communication strategies, with Catherine Pierce about her poem, Anthropocene Pastoral, and with Sean Dague, envisioning a fossil fuel-free world.

Susan Salidor
Making a Circle of Song: Susan Salidor

Susan Salidor is a voice you will not forget. Starting in musical theater, progressing through activist music with Voices, having co-hosted a show on WLUM-FM, at Loyola, and with decades of enriching young souls and bodies as a music specialists at schools in the Chicago area, Susan makes beautiful, meaningful, & memorable music.