Heaven in Boston - Terry Kitchen

Terry Kitchen has been making fine folk music since 1991, mostly solo, after his initial career as a rock star with Loose Ties. Terry's songs mostly emerge from the deep, introspective places, accompanied by beautiful acoustic guitar work. Terry hasn't always been Terry, because once he was Max, as you'll hear during our conversation. Occasionally you'll find him on stage with other folks, like the wonderful Mara Levine, but today he joins us solo, from Boston.

Ep 45 How to Engage Young People in Your Climate Group--A Success Story

Concerned about climate change, Princeton University student, Jonathan Lu, and his friends became excited about a particular solution: Carbon Fee and Dividend. Through Citizens Climate Lobby they learned about a proposed national policy to price carbon and give the revenue back to households. That inspired them to ask, Could this be done in New Jersey?

Music Collage of Early 2019

A collage of song & interview from first quarter 2019! Some of the rich tapestry of Song of the Soul leading up to 2019's spring weather, from the guests who graced our airwaves at that time, and which can hopefully inspire us through our own determined progress out of winter. Guests snapshots include: Stuart StottsWendy MartinLou & Peter BerrymanAli HandalXanthe AlexisKaty Vernon, & Jennifer Levenhagen.

Racial Equality vs Colonization, Then & Now

Two powerful, and badly neglected, forces in our national history around race are featured in Educated for Freedom: The Incredible Story of Two Fugitive Schoolboys Who Grew Up To Change a Nation by author & educator Anna Mae Duane. The 1800's debate between two students of the NY African Free School, James McCune Smith & Henry Highland Garnet, echoes to current issues.

Angel Wings & Peter Pan

Terry Holder came to her career as a musician & performer relatively late in life, but the pay-off is well worth the wait. She writes songs of great emotional depth and they come to life through her evocative voice and beautiful instrumentation. She’s well and widely-loved, including at the Kerrville Festival in Texas where she has been selected 4 times as a Kerrville New Folk Finalist.

Thom Hartmann Exposes the Hidden History of the War on Voting

Thom Hartmann is one of the most articulate voices of progressive radio in the USA, and he's a compelling writer as well. His most recent book is The Hidden History of the War on Voting: Who Stole Your Vote and How to Get It Back combines history, current events, analysis, & insight into the most crucial threat to our representative democracy happening now.

Featured Music:
Vote - by Emma's Revolution

Heavenly Honky Tonkin' Bar

Patrice Webb brings music flavored with folk, swing, country, & the blues, marinaded in sunshine with a side of 4-footed critters. Influenced by music from pre-rock USA, Patrice's music is western in it's heart, while her voice & words are heavenly & Earthy all at once. At home in Sandpoint, Idaho, or at music festivals she'll teach you Western Swing Guitar, Finger Style Blues, as well as the tunes of the 1920s and 30s.

Growing Edge of Parker Palmer & Carrie Newcomer

Two great guests: the amazing thinker & author, Parker Palmer, is joined by the wonderful singer, songwriter, & world healer, Carrie Newcomer. They share their various collaborations, the first being a word, song & connecting experience called Healing the Heart of Democracy, then there was What We Need Is Here, and their newest collaboration is called The Growing Edge. Your heart, mind, & spirit will be enriched and empowered by the gifts they bring.

Light Hands, Feet of Clay (Street) - Richard Wiegel

Richard Wiegel has spent a full lifetime earning a living through making music, which might be the dream, but seldom the actuality of the dreams of a small-town boy. Roots rock is his central thing, although sometimes his style of music might be called Americana, and he can definitely throw in a ragtime and a blues and all kinds of country. Though he's often a solo act, a fair amount of his music was recorded with a group called The Midwesterners. He's a talented guy, been with a couple dozen bands, out-lived them all!

Tie Me Up Delilah -- Judges 16

Liam Michael Hooper, a Trans Bible scholar spends a lot of time  in the Hebrew Bible. This inspired co-host Peterson Toscano to explore the story of Samson and Delilah in the book of Judges, chapter 16. Looking at the story with eyes of a playwright and an actor, Peterson points out the intense intimacy and profound love between the Israelite man and the Philistine woman. In a surveillance state, their relationship grows deep through role play and bondage.