Marginalized and Hungry. Elijah, a widow and a pinch of flour — I Kings 17

Liam shares his insights about I Kings 17-7-24. Elijah, a prophet with an unpopular message who finds himself destitute during a famine. A widow prepares a last meal for her son before they both die. They survive though as they shelter in place with the prophet. The similarities to what many are experiencing in this time of Coronavirus are striking. 

Mark Mandeville & Raianne Richards
Walking Massachusetts on Rising Roads: Mark Mandeville

Mark Mandeville & Raianne Richards make beautiful, deep, real music, delivered with rich vocals supported & enhanced by a variety of instruments. Locally known for their annual Massachusetts Walking Tour, Mark & Raianne previously performed as 2/3's of The Accident That Led Me To The World, but have long performed as a duo. If COVID-19 permits, they will be married this August.

Ep 47 Eco-Grief in a Time of Coronavirus Mourning

How are the impacts of climate change similar to what we are experiencing with the Coronavirus global pandemic? Many climate advocates have long felt sadness, anger, and despair over the destructive effects of climate change and the slow response by elected officials to do anything about it. Suddenly with the Coronavirus Outbreak we are all thrust into yet another existential crisis and even more grief. Eight women talk about working through grief to a place of action. They use their expertise to connect the impacts of climate change to what we are now seeing with Covid-19.

A Porch Party Mama: Ksenia Mack

Ksenia Mack is great writing and performing on her own, but is part of a quintuple threat with the Porch Party Mamas. Her songs and music are evocative, warm, & touching, guiding the listener through complex landscapes & emotions, always in the company of beauty. The Porch Party Mamas are a Boston, MA, area group of women with deep talents and a great combined voice.

Not Our First Pandemic-Rodeo: 1918 & 2020Dr. Michael Luick-Thrams is founder & director of TRACES Center for History and Culture, sponsors of the upcoming BUS-eum display & tour entitled Hidden or Forbidden No More: Prequels to the Greatest Generation, which includes The Killer: 1918's Flu Pandemic, with lessens for dealing with Coronavirus today.
Cover of The Original People
Chief Quiet Thunder & The Earth

Chief Richard Quiet Thunder Gilbert served as tribal chief of the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape of Bridgeton, NJ, for 13 years. His 86 years on the planet has included 2 books co-authored with Greg Vizzi, The Seventh Generation: Quiet Thunder Speaks (coming soon), and also The Original People. Ruthann Purchase is active with Lenape Everywhere. Check out Lenape Indian Tribe of Delaware and Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape of New Jersey On-line Museum.

Laura Marie
Being Love: Laura Marie

Laura Marie brings to her music exactly the talents & inspirations that make for exquisite, soul-moving, life-affirming, path-changing songs. With the honesty, vulnerability, clarity, and power of a person who has experienced daunting adversity, faced it squarely, and triumphed over the injuries, Laura Marie perfectly demonstrates how to make beautiful music, shining with soul.

Crisis Living: COVID-19 & Climate Change

Guest-host Peterson Toscano of Citizens Climate Radio (CCR) is the main host today, after some thoughts on our times from Mark Helpsmeet. Then CCR looks at crisis living & response, both in terms of COVID-19 and Climate Change. Guests include Dr. Natasha DeJarnett, the interim Associate Director of Program & Partnership Development at the National Environmental Health Association, Leonardo Martinez-Diaz, the director of the Sustainable Finance Center at the World Resources Institute, Alice C. Hill, a senior fellow for Climate Change Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations, plus a performance by the Climate Stew Players.


Nashville's Peaceful Tornado: Andi Renfree

Andi Renfree stormed into Nashville, scoring almost immediately with one of her songs recorded by Chris LeDoux. She's collaborated with a number of songwriter/performers, and has performed with several groups, for a number of years as one-third of 2-Bit Palomino, but now with her husband as The Renfrees. Andi touches hearts with her poetry & music of the soul.

St. Nick & the Promised Land: Spook Handy

Spook Handy saw 2 images in the mirror, did not choose the actuarial path, and it has made all the difference. Taking the stage with Pete Seeger more than 50 times didn't hurt his street cred, but mostly his upbeat, folky, deep and relatable songs, along with Spook's poise and talent make him a pleasure and a joy to listen to and sing along with. When not solo, catch him with The Seed Planters, though no longer with Things Between (fka Sofa Kingdom).