Purple Map for Climate Change
Purple Map for Climate Change

A special Spirit In Action show by guest-host Peterson Toscano of Citizens Climate Radio on finding political unity in dealing with the climate crisis. Visits with members of the Conservative Climate Lobby, and speakers from their DC lobby day, give hope for bringing red and blue together for a united response to the crisis of our generation. We hear from 5 participants of the lobby day, from Alex Flint, the Exec Director at Alliance for Market Solutions, from Jim Tolbert, the Conservative Outreach Director, and from conservative fellow, Jacob Abel. The author of The 100% Solution.

Amanda Udis-Kessler
Queer Sacred Music in the Time of COVID-19

Amanda Udis-Kessler is a music-creation fountain whose recent project is QueerSacredMusic.com, 60-plus songs beginning with sacred music relative to LGBTQ concerns, but enriched by the spiritual experiences relative to the arrival of COVID-19 and the nationwide uprising against racism and other injustices. Amanda's theology is open, accepting, and rooted in a universal love, and is enriched by the training and talents of her Ph.D. in Sociology, her time in seminary, and her wide and deep lyrical and musical creativity. Raised as a secular Jew, her never-ending spiritual pilgrimage has included sojourns and enrichment with the UU, Quakers, UCC, Buddhism, Bahá'í, and much more.

Rev. Billy Talen and the Stop Shopping Choir
Rev. Billy & the Church of Stop Shopping

When Billy Talen puts on his big hair, a clerical collar, & his brightly-colored blazer, he becomes Rev. Billy & The Church of Stop Shopping, raising spirits & a holy ruckus for the Earth in myriad ways. With creativity, humor, & grim seriousness, Billy, Savitri D, & the other members of the Stop Shopping Choir put their bodies & voices on the line for issues like racism, police brutality, consumerism, Monsanto, Standing Rock or many other things. For 18 years they have been interceding for the Earth & Justice with Creative Resistance, Direct Action, & Spiritual Trespassing in NYC & beyond

Princella Talley
Ep 51 Art and Identity in a Time of Climate Change

Those of you who regularly listen to this podcast know that when addressing climate change, we believe in the power of art. Artists take on a unique role in helping the public better understand the many issues connected to climate change. They also play an important part in helping us process our strong emotions about our rapidly changing world. 

RAWA Songs for Social Change, Volume 4
Going Forward With Songs of Social Change

A look at some of the finalists of the Songs for Social Change contest in 2019, artists with a variety of styles & themes, all about change for the better. With reggae, electronica, rock, & folk, 6 different artists share their various soulful songs, working for a better world, with first prize going to Mary Lou Fulton for Not Going Back. Contest judge Ed Glassman walks us through the organization and the songs. Songs can be submitted for the coming year before December 1st, either via SonicBids.com, or on the RAWA.com website.

Mary Ann Percy
Friend of the Circle of Life

Mary Ann Percy has found essence in nature since she was a child, expecting that work in ecology was to be her path. Alas, defeated by chemistry, she looked to Spirit for clarity about the work she was intended to do. With a leading into work with palliative care and hospice volunteer training, she works as Kulshan Cares. Her training in dealing with health & illness challenges and life transitions further prepared her to facilitate Joanna Macy's The Work That Reconnects. Mary Ann serves the Circle of Life through writing, training, & growth through Quaker Earthcare Witness and other groups, Quaker and non-Quaker.

Sparky Rucker
Sparky Rucker's Good Old Way

Sparky Rucker was introduced to the music of the civil rights movement when his mother took him to his first march at the age of 14, but he was already steeped in the music of the era in the black Pentecostal church of his youth and the distinctive Appalachian culture of Eastern Tennessee. Sparky Rucker has woven together music, activism, history and culture for more than 5 decades, raising and inspiring spirits everywhere. Listen to our interview with his wife Rhonda back on August 28, 2016.

Carl Magruder
Holy Trickster, Child of the Summer of Love, & Death Midwife

Carl Magruder, born in 1969, multiracial, & growing up around Berkeley, is a real child of the 60's, complete with his TheEarthQuaker email identity. Along the way he got schooled by Spirit, led to seminary, & into his current work as a palliative care chaplain. Carl Magruder sees wide and deep, & brings forth the words to excite healing energy for the Earth & humans, around race, and between peoples.

Smiling World, Post-Climate Crisis

Guest-host Peterson Toscano of Citizens Climate Radio brings inspiration & joy to today's program, visiting with Hannah Pickard from NNOCCISean Dague from Citizens Climate Lobby, Environmental Health Expert Dr. Natasha DeJarnett, Jennie Carlisle and Laura England from the Climate Stories Collaborative at Appalachian State University, and Violet Kitchen, artist and illustrator of The 100% Solution: A Plan for Solving Climate Change.

Joe Newberry
Singing As We Rise - Joe Newberry

Joe Newberry has a wonderful voice, and writes tunes & lyrics to enrich that wonderful voice to the point of sublime. Writing music that tends toward old-timey, bluegrass, spirituals, torch songs, & more beyond that, Joe's songs draw deeply on the Missouri of his youth and the North Carolina of his adulthood. Renowned for his clawhammer banjo playing, Joe has won multiple awards from the IBMA, and was a frequent performer on A Prairie Home Companion. He performed with the Red Clay RamblersBig Medicine, and in duos with Mike Compton and April Verch, among others.