Erin Ivey
Solace In The Wild with Erin Ivey

Erin Ivey is a french-speaking, Queen-of-the-Austin singer-songwriters artist who creates some of the best Folk-Americana music around. Erin is also generous with her talents, acting as a songwriting mentor with low-income and underserved youth through Song Rise Arts and Grammy U. Her most recent release is Solace In The Wild.

Chris Wilhelm
This Too Shall Pass with Chris WilhelmChris Wilhelm's 5-year journey of healing & growth has birthed his seventh album, This Too Shall Pass, a message & inspiration perfect for the year of COVID-19. Chris' teenage years were a journey mainly through Metal and Punk, but then he was drawn powerfully by the musical inspiration of folk artists like Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, John Prine, and Woody Guthrie on an acoustic voyage of transformation and insight. Having explored the music scene of Boston, then having toured widely and fervently up-and-down the East coast, Chris found a home for his soles and soul in Asheville, NC.
Thom Hartmann
Dodging Oligarchy-Into-Tyranny - Thom Hartmann

A visit with America's #1 progressive talk show host, Thom Hartmann, about his latest book, The Hidden History of American Oligarchy: Reclaiming Our Democracy from the Ruling Class. We've temporarily dodged the bullet of oligarchy-into-tyranny in the USA, and Thom spells it all out - the history, present, and possible future.

Raheel Raza
ABC's of Islamism - Raheel Raza

Raheel Raza speaks out powerfully, as a Muslim, for the rights of women & other marginalized minorities, and for an unblinking and compassionate approach to differences, including the threats posed by extremists within the religion to which she is devoted. Among her books is How Can You Possibly Be a Muslim Feminist?, and her latest book is The ABCs of Islamism: Everything You Wanted to Know about Radical Islam But Were Afraid to Ask. She was born in Pakistan, arriving in Canada some 30 years ago. Ran Meir, former Israeli correspondent with the Clarion Project, joins as co-host.

Fall 2019 Song of the Soul Retrospective
Music Before COVID - Fall 2019 SOSA sampler of the fine Song of the Soul guests in the fall of 2019, before COVID-19 quarantines. With guests east, west, and from the Heartland, we share glimpses of our visits with Phil Hoose, Susan Urban (of February Sky), Joel Landy, Will Fudeman, Carrie Newcomer, and Justin Jay Arnold. There's humor & heart-wrenching, politics & passions, and great music.
Tony Campolo
Ep 56 Tony Campolo--A Christian's Call to Save Creation

Last month we featured three Conservative Christians who told us how their faith compels them to promote creation care and climate change solutions. This month we feature one of America’s most widely known Progressive Evangelical Christian thought leaders. Rev. Tony Campolo is professor emeritus of sociology at Eastern University, and he led the Evangelical Association for the Promotion of Education for more than 40 years.

Joseph Hunt - Sustainable World
Adventures In Sustainable Development - Joseph Hunt

Joseph Hunt has spent a lifetime seeking to empower a world where individuals reach their potential in health, learning, & well-being, and which is compassionate & sustainable. From his service in Nigeria during the war in Biafra, to his decades as a development economist throughout Asia, to his current position as a Senior Research Scientist at Harvard's Center for Climate, Health and the Global Environment, Joseph seeks a better world for all.

Susan Marie Gallion
The Woman In Me - Susan Marie Gallion

Susan Marie Gallion's song, The Woman In Me has won many a heart, and was even nominated for a Grammy Award. Though Susan wrote it, most folks got to know it through the voice of Crystal Gayle. It's only one of the moving & captivating songs that Susan has done over the decades, from her first band, The Singing Prophets, through her time as part of Susan and Richard Thomas, and since then simply as Susan Marie Gallion. Originally from Milwaukee, WI, she now calls Florida home.

Lisa Wildman
Flute & Longing with Lisa WildmanRegular Song of the Soul listeners know how much I love singer-songwriter/folk & music, and it was some of that sort of music that first attracted me to Lisa Wildman, but that only scratches the surface of the music that Lisa makes. As you'll hear today, classical music played exquisitely on her flute is deep in her bones, and we won't even be hearing from the country, zydeco, and opera music she does. Besides playing and singing with orchestras, her collaborations include performing with the folk music-oriented Group W, and the children's music-oriented with Peanut Butter Jellyfish. She was on Song of the Soul in 2010.
Jennifer Kavanagh
Practical Mystics & Heart of Oneness

Jennifer Kavanagh was caught up by a life-transforming Spirit, right at an age where many other people are just shifting into a lower gear, ready to coast the last stretch. After years of the normal study-family-professional life path, she was found by faith, which has included diverse tasks, like running a center for the poor and homeless, setting up micro-credit funding programs, and educating folks about simplicity & spiritual activism.