Josh White, Jr.
76 Years On Stage - Josh White Jr.

Josh White Jr on Facebook has a 5-star musical pedigree, having performed competently at the age of 4, continuing to delight audiences across the entire country for another 76 years (so far). The musical genes of his father, Josh White Sr, flowed powerfully through all the family, with Josh White Jr developing a devoted following with decades of touring and 16 recordings. Josh spent several years in acting before settling into his lifelong musical career, combining a powerful stage presence with consumate guitar & vocal skills.

Biblical Bottoms--A LIVE Bible Bash Event

For the first ever LIVE Bible Bash, Peterson, Liam, and guests, take on the topic of Biblical Bottoms. Who is a bottom in the Bible and what does that even mean?? We talk bottoms, tops, subs, doms, power bottoms, agency, consent, and much more. Hear about Jonah, Hagar, Samson, Delilah, and others. It is a fun, informative, and insightful conversation. 

This episode is very different from previous ones. In mid-December 2020 Bible Bash held the very first LIVE on-line  event. It was a chance to converse with listeners while discussing a topic--Biblical Bottoms in the Bible! As a result, we had many voices contribute to the conversation. 

Jeffrey Dallet
Mile-High Rock & Folking Roll

Born in the 80s, Jeffrey Dallet draws deep energy & inspiration from the folk music of earlier generations, and faithfully harnesses the folk movement, embellishing, transmuting, & evolving it in symbiosis with the genres of the past 50 years, all from the heights of Denver, Colorado. Jeffrey channels genuine passion & compassion through his songs, viewing the light & the dark with equal honesty.

Lindsay Linsky author of Keep It Good
EP 55 Climate Change and Creation Care: What Would Jesus Do?

In a followup to our most downloaded episode,  What Does the Bible Say About Climate Change?, host, Peterson Toscano speaks with two Christian women about their faith, their commitment to creation care, and why they see Citizens Climate Lobby as a place where they can pursue meaningful solutions. They talk about their values, the Bible, the spiritual charge to do the work of reconciliation, especially in a contentious and politically divided country. They speak with conviction about the need for Christian believers to take creation care seriously.

Lisa Miara
Yazidi Hope After ISIS - Lisa Miara

Lisa Miara is at the center of The Hope Centre/Springs of Hope Foundation in the Kurdish region in Northern Iraq. The Yazidi minority in that area was devastated by the 2014 attack of ISIS on them, and Lisa found a leading to live among and nurture back to wholeness the victims of ISIS, bringing hope & love to reclaim child soldiers and horribly abused & enslaved girls & women.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:

Jonathan Kuttab
New Vision for Peace & Justice in the Middle East

Jonathan Kuttab has a vital new perspective, potentially opening a completely new door into a future of peace and justice for Israel/Palestine. Jonathan was born & grew up in West Jerusalem till he headed to college in the US. His new book, Beyond the Two-State Solution (download a PDF of the book for free), explores a new way forward.

Jesse Palidofsky
Late Bloomer In Full Bloom - Jesse Palidofsky

Jesse Palidofsky turned to writing & performing music later in life in spite of an early passion for the music. Along the way, Jesse ran folk coffeehouses and did radio shows of multiple genres of music, widening his own tastes & proclivities to include jazz, classical, soul, & other types of music. In the decades before he turned to music full-time, he also developed skills & insights into care & counseling in a number of settings, which he then synthesized with his use of music for healing & empowerment. Recently he released a moving video performance by Claire Lynch & Lea Gilmore of enhanced lyrics Jesse & John Morris created for America The Beautiful: 2020 Version.

Tim Purcell
Uncovered Music Of Tim Purcell

Tim Purcell had been around the musical block a number of times, all the way from his first band, American Apple, and including (but not limited to) Lou's Blues Revue, Perfect World, The Riley Hawkins Band, and The Mustangs. But his latest & greatest is a combination of young & old folks called Foxes and Fossils. Though best known recently for the covers he's done with Foxes and Fossils, Tim has a rich store of music he's written, which may be come available to Patreon supporters of F&F.

David Arn
Chaucer's Spiritual Progeny - David Arn

David Arn is a story-teller, or, better yet, a verbal story-painter who came to songwriting late in life, but in time to produce 3 CDs of his music by the age of 70. He self-describes as making music of the Folk Rock, Americana, and Soft Rock varieties, but a very special attribute of his productions are the videos that he has engaged to go with his songs, allowing free rein to artists & video producers to create the videos in reaction to and synergy with David's songs. His songs got air-play from his very first release, and the accompanying videos have likewise immediately garnered awards at film festivals. David Arn joins us from Virginia.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Agnostic, Catholic, Presbyterian

Spirit in Action - Bible Bash
Resisting Empire, Being Transgender, Being Human - Bible Bash

When viewed with non-gender conforming eyes, the Bible has lessons that can be used to heal, instead of serving repression & exclusion. Everything is not about the Bible, but a good share of everything is in the Bible, at least if you look with the discerning eyes of Peterson Toscano, a gay man who produces the monthly Citizens Climate Radio blog, and Liam Hooper, a North Carolinian trans man of Ministries Beyond Welcome.