Standing Up for Soldiers
Standing Up For Soldiers - Really!

Guest-host Patricia Stansbury/Sunny Gardener shares interviews with speakers at the 50th anniversary celebration at Quaker House in Fayetteville, NC, home of Fort Bragg. Guests include former director Chuck Fager, and 2 former soldiers, Monisha Rios & Ricky Clousing, who received counseling & support at Quaker House.

Seize Fire
Hip-Hop Taking Over Ghana

Ellis Torku is SEIZE FIRE, bringing powerful, peace-oriented Hip-Hop music from Ghana, in West Africa, to the world. From his High Fire Empire Music Production Company he delivers music with meaning. Find Ellis/Seize Fire on his youtube channel, or on Instagram, and as @EllisTorku on twitter.

Rodney Long and Selika Ducksworth-Lawton
Race, Place & Grace - Where & How I Grew Up

2nd installment of a discussion about race, racism, & the grace leading to solutions, with perspectives from 2 African-Americans. Selika Ducksworth-Lawton was raised in New Orleans, but now graces Eau Claire, WI, a heavily white city, with her wide-ranging activism, including her leadership in the work of Uniting Bridges, and as professor of history at UW-Eau Claire.

Cover of Erin Incoherent's album, Deja Vu
Punk, Meditation & Healing: Erin Incoherent

Erin Incoherent's music comes straight out of the punk-rock world, though it maybe has drifted also into the folk-punk genre. Whatever the name, whatever the genre, the music is beautiful, the lyrics are moving, and Erin is, herself, a vibrant, deep soul and wonderful songwriter. With songs that capture pain & dysfunction, but also insight & healing, Erin leads the way to a more conscious & compassionate world. Erin's latest release, Déjà Vu emerged as Erin was finding grounding through meditation and conscious living.

Annie Patterson and Peter Blood
Bob Inglis, Annie Patterson, and Peter Blood—The Tide is Rising

Citizens Climate Education encourages bipartisan support for climate solutions. While people on the Left, Right, and in the Middle might disagree on many issues, Climate Change is one that can bring us together. But this is not always easy to do. It requires listening deeply to others who hold views on issues and policies that differ from my own.

Climate advocates are wondering: In a time of tense partisan divisions, how can I learn to listen to someone from a different political party? How might I identify shared values and common ground?  In this episode of Citizens Climate Radio we will get some practice in listening. We will hear from the political the right and the left.

Rodney Long and Selika Ducksworth-Lawton
Race In Place - Akron, New Orleans, Eau Claire

Discussion about race, racism, problems & solutions, seen from Akron, OH, New Orleans, LA, & Eau Claire, WI. Rodney Long Jr's article in Friends Journal entitled Before My Life Matters to You, Let It Matter to Me kicked off the exchange, with insights from his life & work as a therapist, social worker, & addictions counselor in Akron. Selika Ducksworth-Lawton grew up in New Orleans and is currently professor of History and of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at UW-Eau Claire.

Collage of Song of the Soul guests from winter 2019
Better Days: Winter 2019 Revisited

A visit to this program the last 2 months before COVID-19, with brief selections from the 2019 interviews with Susan SalidorThe Fairest and BestParticle Kid (J. Micah Nelson)Sigrid ChristiansenDean Stevens, and Sally Rogers, before the live music shut-down of 2020.

Ryan Summers
Free By Undo Influence - Ryan Summers

Ryan Summers started making music with a garage band in Chippewa Falls, WI, moved into DJ-ing and producing rave-style music under the name Plastic Portal. In the past 10 years he's produced 2 CDs with Nate Cherrier as part of Midwest Soul Xchange, and another 3 solo albums, the latest called Undo Influence, around his experience with a New Age Internet cult. Though keyboard-centric, Ryan is multi-instrumentalist, creating soundscapes of diverse genres, including progressive electronic to industrial to folk/pop.

WWJD About Climate Change?
WWJD About Climate Change?

Today's guest-host, Peterson Toscano of Citizen's Climate Radio, extends the range of climate change warriors by asking "What Would Jesus Do?" through his interviews with some conservative-tilting, Christian evangelical/fundamental-leaning climate activists. Kelsey Grant (on Twitter), Conservative Outreach Coordinator for Citizens Climate Lobby, co-founded environmental ministries and taught about environmental stewardship as a Sunday School teacher at her church. Andrea Zink (on Instagram) is rooted in the United Methodist Church, including activism with the UMC Circles of

Cover of Trans-Forming Proclamation
Trans-Forming Proclamation: A Transgender Theology of Daring Existence

Liam Michael Hooper's newly-released book, Trans-Forming Proclamation: A Transgender Theology of Daring Existence, envisions & invokes a call for empowerment that is both lyrical & profound, experiential & visionary. Combining Spirit-centered passion, free-wheeling prose, & well-rooted expertise, Liam harnasses energy & determination to construct a mosaic with the full inclusion of all gender-transcendent people. Liam works with Ministries Beyond Welcome, and has been part of the founding of OtherWise Engaged Publishing.