Philip Berrigan & Swords into Plowshares - Brad Wolf

Photo of Philip Berrigan on cover of A Ministry of Risk

Brad Wolf has just released the book, A Ministry of Risk – Writings on Peace and Nonviolence – Philip Berrigan, powerfully capturing the life and ministry of Phil, in Phil's own words, his witness in the struggle for racial justice, against the Vietnam war and all wars, and against nuclear arms through the Plowshares movement. Brad is a deeply committed activist as co-founder of the Peace Action Network of Lancaster, and he recently coordinated the Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Catholic, Catholic Worker, Buddhism

Featured Music:

The Hammer Has To Fall - by Charlie King

Episode Number


First Air Date

Full, uncut interview with Brad Wolf

Audio file

Philip Berrigan & Swords into Plowshares - Brad Wolf

Audio file

Broadcast Date(s)


Brad Wolf


from david eberhardt- Kudos to Helpsmeet as usual- wonderful interviewer- Phil B was a mentor of mine as we poured blood on draft files  in 1967  (Baltimore 4); I have been interviewed by Mark. The book discussed- Ministry of Risk is a hard sell- for Phil's analysis of our society and most of us in it is excoriating- stern, commanding as to what we should be doing. It's not a "fun" read. I was a cell mate of his in federal prison and he simply changed my life- which led to 33 years helping inmates at the Baltimore City Jail. Phil explores the relation between risk and prison activism and building of a peace movement. I feel you must resist according to your talents- and that prison is not everyone's talent, as it was mine.

Voluntary poverty? living in community? Not for me. As a poet I love the drama, the adventure and the humor in our acts against war. Surely we should serve the poor and downpressed can have fun too- and what do we do for action in this place?  Also for me key? PASSION. As the poet Blake wrote: "Bring me my bow of burning gold- bring me my arrows of desire!!"

You can google david eberhardt blood pouring where I describe our pouring blood on draft records. I peddle my book about the draft and Plowshares actions- For All the Saints- a Protest Primer. my email is 

I really have enjoyed discovering your podcasts. I will never be the same. Thank you 

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