Si Kahn is a powerful singer/songwriter - and an historian, capturing the actions and lives of those who are working for a better world. With over 40 years fighting and singing for civil rights, worker's rights, he speaks with experience and authority. His newest book is Creative Community Organizing: A Guide for Rabble-Rousers, Activists & Quiet Lovers of Justice and his latest CD is Courage. Si comes from strong Jewish roots.
Each week, Spirit In Action brings you stories of people living lives of fruitful service, of peace, community, compassion, creative action and progressive efforts. We will trace the spiritual roots that support and nourish them in their service. Above all, we will seek out Light, Love and Helping Hands, being shared between our many neighbors on this planet, hoping to inspire and encourage you to sink deep roots and produce sacred fruit in your own life.
Spirit In Action is an hour of interviews with those providing leadership in peace, justice and "good works", interspersed with relevant music. The theme music is "The Turning of the World" performed by Sara Thomsen (written by Ruth Pellham).
Radio-Length Episodes |
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Certifiably Organic - Shairon Beale
First Air Date
Shairon Beale is an organic lifestyle advocate, an LEED Platinum Home Builder Designer, former host of the Certifiably Organic radio program and current co-host of Making A Splash on PLUS, she's a racecar driver, Republican and a complete delight!
Goin' Wild - Wild Foods and Fauna
First Air Date
Injustice in Latin America And In The Church
First Air Date
Magpie's Song for the Earth - Greg Artzner - Part 2
First Air Date
Greg Artzner is half of Magpie, a duo aimed directly at calling the world to consciousness in terms of peace, justice, equality and care for the Earth. They work on stage and in the classroom, providing a too-seldom used window into a more honest and helpful way of seeing our history & future.
Magpie's Song for the Earth - Greg Artzner - Part 1
First Air Date
Greg Artzner is half of Magpie, a duo aimed directly at calling the world to consciousness in terms of peace, justice, equality and care for the Earth. They work on stage and in the classroom, providing a too-seldom used window into a more honest and helpful way of seeing our history & future.
Standing As Witness In Honduras
First Air Date
Babette Grunow is headed to spend a week in Honduras, standing as an international witness to prevent violence. She's been active in Latin America for decades, in the USA and on the ground there. Introduced to Latin America by her Franciscan uncle, Babette has a passion for justice & freedom for our neighbors.
Changing the World With a Guitar
First Air Date
Peter Alsop is a singer/songwriter/worldchanger whose songs can be deep and moving, but frequently use humor to invite us to look at something new and life-altering. Violence, Food, Risk-taking, Societal Privilege and many more issues are in his non-violent sights!
Been to Jail for Justice - Anne Feeney
First Air Date
Anne Feeney is a rabble rouser activist whose music is zeroed in on exposing the failings and promoting the positive possibilities for our world. She's a modern union maid and hellraiser, working for the people and against war, injustice, corporate greed and much more.
Theatre for Transformation - Black History on Stage
First Air Date
Theatre for Transformation is drama designed to open eyes and instigate change. With a cast that is mostly black, their productions often touch on the history and present of USA's racism, seeking to reclaim history so it can be dealt with and its consequences resolved.