Father Ismael (Melo) Moreno, Jesuit priest & director of Radio Progreso, brings news of Honduras since the coup and Atty JE McNeil talks about CO's like Dr. Timothy Watson, the Military and the Center on Conscience & War.
Each week, Spirit In Action brings you stories of people living lives of fruitful service, of peace, community, compassion, creative action and progressive efforts. We will trace the spiritual roots that support and nourish them in their service. Above all, we will seek out Light, Love and Helping Hands, being shared between our many neighbors on this planet, hoping to inspire and encourage you to sink deep roots and produce sacred fruit in your own life.
Spirit In Action is an hour of interviews with those providing leadership in peace, justice and "good works", interspersed with relevant music. The theme music is "The Turning of the World" performed by Sara Thomsen (written by Ruth Pellham).
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Kim Denmark - Spiritual Walk Across America for the Poor & Homeless
First Air Date
Kim Denmark has been walking across America for 68 months now, witnessing for the homeless, the poor and for God, ever since being called from her deathbed by God. She's an inspiring person on an amazing journey.
Whispered Hopes - In support of exploited women
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Renee Wurzer is a leading force behind WhisperedHopes.org, a group whose mission is to extend friendship and acceptance to women ostracized by their work in strip clubs. The approach is directly in the path of Jesus who provided welcome to prostitutes, tax collectors and others reviled by society.
The Children of Mother Glory
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Michele (C.M.) Harris has written a probing and powerful novel involving issues of sexual identity, pacifism and toxicity in the environment over the past 100 years. With multiple protagonists facing a world that is judgmental to gay/lesbian/trans/pacifist people, Michele takes us for a walk in the shoes of the "other", helping us to understand the issues from many directions.
Alaine Duncan - Crossings HealingWorks
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Alaine is an acupuncturist, a Quaker and a peaceworker who has found her "divine enough". Through Crossings Healingworks she does healing work with soldiers and their healers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and a Veterans Administration Hospital in her area.
ENPH - Environmental Public Health At Work
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A visit with 3 folks with the ENPH program - Environmental Public Health - at UW-EC, a training ground for professionals working with the intersection of public health and the environment. Crispin Pierce is the director of the program and Caleb Johnson and Patrick Bloecher are seniors in the program. At the same time they do the public work with ENPH, they are transformed personally by the experience.
Paddle for the Planet
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David Abazs is a moving force behind Paddle for the Planet, a 500-mile canoe trip from the headwaters of the Mississippi River to the Twin Cities where it concludes with River Rally between St Cloud and St Paul, MN, May 20-23, 2010 when everyone is invited to join in.
Activating the Activists
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Steve Chase originated and serves now as the director of the Environmental Advocacy and Organizing Program in the Dept of Environmental Studies of Antioch University New England, training future generations of change-makers of all sorts. Steve's early inspiration was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, but a transforming moment is when he got kicked out his Boy Scout troop and welcomed in by Quakers - at age 13.
John Stedman - Community Organizer for JONAH - Joining Our Neighbors Advancing Hope
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John Stedman is a community organizer for JONAH - Joining Our Neighbors Advancing Hope, which is a grandchild of the national organization called Gamaliel, an effort to promote activism from a congregational base. John's journey to activism started with a father working for the UN, life and study in Kenya, alcoholism & fishing, and a daughter who got him back to church.
Charlie King - A Voice for Peace and Justice
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Charlie King has been performing music since he was four, eventually finding a home with folk music. A lifelong Roman (or roaming) Catholic, he morphed from a Goldwater supporter in 1964 to an anti-war protester by 1967, and he's been an outspoken voice for peace and justice ever since.