I Wish I Were Krishna - Lon Milo DuQuette's Song of the Soul

First Air Date

Lon Milo DuQuette is a stunning combination of sweet music, profundity, hilarity, and love. With a career as a folk/rock musician from the precocious age of 14, through many employment variants including his 15 books and position as US Deputy Grand Master of Ordo Templi Orientis, Lon has word and song riches to pour out.

Simple Living - Fred Small's Song of the Soul

First Air Date

Fred Small animates stories through his songs, with a heart and a spirit of gold. He weaves a world-wide family with his songs of healing and hope. Fred started out as a lawyer in the environmental field, became a folksinger/activist, and is currently as a minister at First Parish Cambridge Unitarian Universalist. You can purchase his CD's at rounder.com and CDFreedom.com.

Swimming to the Other Side - Pat Humphries

First Air Date

Pat Humphries is half of Emma's Revolution, a powerful, moving and fun collaboration aimed at making our world better. Inspired by all sorts of music, including hymns, gospel, folk and more, Pat has produced musical gems featured on "All Things Considered" and "Democracy Now". Here she shares the music that led her where she is, including a song by one of her mentors and inspirations, Pete Seeger