Rolling Wheelchair Blues - Mike Hamer's Song of the Soul

First Air Date

Mike Hamer is a singer/songwriter from Greenville, North Carolina, who performs a rich variety of music, often as part of Mike Hamer and the Rhinoceroses with the Angelic Choir. Until an accident left him a quadriplegic, Mike had played guitar and bass, but found that the hammer dulcimer worked for him afterwards. He's an inspired and inspirational musician and songwriter.

Mike died December, 2017.

Terra Guitarra - Bruce Hecksel's Song of the Soul

First Air Date

Bruce & Julie Hecksel are Patchouli, 2 former city folks thriving on nature and music in rural Wisconsin, making deeply stirring vocal and instrumental songs to reconnect and deepen lives. Bruce answered the call of his guitar one semester short of finishing seminary, and it was a fortunate choice for music lovers everywhere.