Welcoming LGBT and the Other - Equality Wisconsin Voices of Faith Project

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Lizzi Dahlk, Voices of Faith Coordinator of Equality Wisconsin, works to unite people of faith in making Wisconsin a more welcoming & just place for LGBT folks and all folks who get treated as "Other". Today she's joined by David Huber of Plymouth UCC and Scott Miller of First Lutheran Church, both in Eau Claire.

Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer - A Government of Justice and Peace

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Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer, assistant professor of Justice & Peace Studies at the University of St Thomas, spoke at the 2009 Ways of Peace conference sponsored by Friends for a Non-violent World. He's got an insightful and practical theology of transformation for our world which fueled his run for the Democratic nomination for the US Senate.

Building Bridges Anti-racism Training

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We visit with 3 people connected with the Building Bridges anti-racism training sponsored by the Lutheran Human Relations Association. Marilyn Miller is Executive Director and Kenneth Wheeler is President of the Board of the LHRA, both persons of color, and Geri Murtaugh is a past participant of the Building Bridges training and is the Coordinator of Youth and Family Ministries for the Greater Milwaukee Synod of the ELCA.