Marcus Borg, Author of Meeting Jesus Again For the First Time

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Marcus Borg is a renowned author of numerous books on various aspects of Christianity and a view radically different from those who uncritically approach religion as a one-size-fits-all straight jacket. His thought and teaching require no suspension of our minds, but offer an invitation to an encounter the universal Spirit in a personal and transformative way.

Porter Place Ministries - Bobbi Jo Toy

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Bobbi Jo Toy is the primary staff person and a co-founder of Porter Place Ministries. Bobbi Jo lives out a special calling to empower women and, through them, to help all members of the community. Bobbi Jo Toy has a special ability to turn concerns over to God, and to draw unexpected support and gifts from the wider community, even without asking. Bobbi Jo is a life coach, a consultant, a mother, and a devoted Christian.

A Day of Forgiveness and Rebirth

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On September 11, 2007, the people of Eau Claire gathered at Phoenix Park to remember the events of 6 years earlier, but also to seek a way forward to a better, healed world. Take part in the music, reflection and visioning of the event on this program, including the keynote by Mike Boehm, founder of the My Lai Peace Park & Loan Fund, and other acts of reconciliation with Vietnam, Japan and Central America.

Spirit Afoot at the MREA's Energy & Sustainable Living Fair 2007 - Part 1

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The Midwest Renewable Energy Association Energy Fair is an amazing event, rich in speakers, workshops, vendors, music and more than 16,000 attenders. I went with an ear for the voice of the Spirit - and heard PLENTY. A collage of many folks who took part, as I roamed around the fair grounds on June 15-17, 2007.

Barb Kass of Anathoth Farm

First Air Date

Spirit In Action will be visiting today with Barb Kass who is a member and founder of the Anathoth Community Farm, an itentional community based on non-violence, sustainability and community, located in Luck, Wisconsin. Barb has traveled a long and varied spiritual path, being raised Catholic, active with Intervarsity Christian Fellowship in college, attending seminary in Chicago, working with Catholic Worker communities, and currently attending a progressive small-town Luthern Church.