Black Fire: African American Quakers on Spirituality and Human Rights

Paul Kriese

The topic is race, racism & religion, both within Quaker meetings and in America at-large. Paul Kriese co-ediited Black Fire: African American Quakers on Spirituality and Human Rights, and he draws on his experience growing up in a black neighborhood and his academic formation in Political Science and Peace Studies to shine the Light on race relations.

Paul Kriese co-edited Black Fire along with Hal Weaver & Stephen Angell. The book contains writings by 18 remarkable African American Quakers across 3 centuries.

Featured Music:
Number One In America - David Massengill

First Air Date

Black Fire

Audio file

Amazing 20th century activist.
how class is an important problem with civil rights
the history each of the people in this program has with racism
on nonviolence
the flaws and good points of quakers on race
Paul's reasons for being an activist

Broadcast Date(s)


Paul Kriese


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