Wild Foods and The Forager's Harvest

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Sam Thayer Price is perhaps the Midwest's preeminent expert on wild foods and foraging. With a wide-ranging intellect and a spirit-deep passion, Sam preaches a gospel of connection to the Earth and to the life around us. His new book, The Forager's Harvest is available from Sam's web site, foragersharvest.com.

Raised Catholic and a Quaker now, Sam has a concern for conservation or environmentalism that is integral to his sensitivity for peace and justice. Sam offers workshops and retreats about wild food and foraging throughout the Midwest and beyond, the schedule for which is available on his web site.

Sam is newly married, taking the family name of his wife, Melissa Price, as his own surname.

First Air Date

Wild Foods and The Forager's Harvest - Sam Thayer Price

Audio file

How would our society and landscape change if masses of people engaged in knowing the Earth through foraging?
Sam was introduced to his first wild foods at the age of 4, by his siblings, and became an avid forager by his mid-teens.
Sam sees this world as a sacred gift to us, and we have a choice - to work with the Earth, or against it. This excerpt includes "Now Is The Cool Of The Day" performed by Annie Patterson.
We protect what we love and we love what we know. Includes "We Belong To The Earth" by Magpie.
Dominion doesn't and won't work!
Religion served the purposes of economic domination connected with a hierarchical farming-herding society by marginalizing the acceptibility of the hunter-forager lifestyle.

Broadcast Date(s)


Sam Thayer Price


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