Regina Gallero was born and raised in Chile, coming to the USA for graduate school. Though she played guitar in her youth, she didn't start writing songs until her later 50's. Her spiritual path started with Catholicism, wended its way widely, and she has been attending Milwaukee Friends Meeting for the past year, where she gave a concert recently on "The Experience of Oppression and the Quest for Freedom" through Latin American Folk songs, images and stories.
Julie (Hecksel) Patchouli's Song of the Soul
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Julie and Bruce Hecksel are Patchouli and 'Fast Forward Folk' is what it says on their website. Julie caught the guitar bug seeing Taj Mahal while in her teens.
Dhaivyd Hilgendorf's Song of the Soul
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Dhaivyd Hilgendorf teaches at Friends School of Minnesota, a Quaker school which fits Dhaivyd's inclinations very well. He's made a wide variety of music in a wide variety of places and with a wide variety of musicians.
Kevin Camp/Cabaretic's Song of the Soul
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Kevin Camp is native to the Birmingham, Alabama area, raised somewhat Methodist, involved with Unitarian Universalists at 17, and attending Quaker meeting as of this past year. On a frustrating search for spiritual/religious depth and integrity, Kevin finds considerable inspiration and support through music, some of which he has recorded on his page.
Julie Rust's Song of the Soul
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Julie Rust started out her life in Wisconsin, including college in Eau Claire, but she's lived out in Nashville for about 15 years now. Music has been our calling from her youth on, and the keyboard is her passionate home. Born Lutheran, she met the teachings of Meher Baba through her husband, Rusty.
Aaron Fowler's Song of the Soul
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Aaron Fowler is a songwriter/musician from Wichita, Kansas whose calling for the past 2 decades has involved living and working in the inner city and founding an organization called Hope Street Students United. Aaron's music has included plenty of music with kids, educationally and as entertainment.
Paulette Meier's Song of the Soul
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Paulette Meier is a singer/songwriter and a school-based trainer in violence prevention and social emotional learning. Based in Cincinnati, she performs as part of Just Earth, along with Jamie Fota and Len Webb. Jamie performed with Paulette for this Song of this Soul interview.
Susan Stark's Song of the Soul
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Susan Stark is a spiritually deep and musically powerful musician. She has 4 albums behind her and one in the near future. She grew up a "preacher's kid", attended Earlham School of Religion, is the mother of 2 and the piano is her preferred instrument. Raised UCC, she's been Quaker most of her adult life.
Mark Holdaway's Song of the Soul - Part 2 of 2
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Mark Holdaway has many facets to his life including his work as a scientist and currently as a musician whose passion is centered on the Kalimba, the African Thumb Piano. From generic Christian to Born Again to Quaker, Mark's life is a tapistry of spirit and music.
Mark Holdaway's Song of the Soul - Part 1 of 2
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Mark Holdaway has many facets to his life including his work as a scientist and currently as a musician whose passion is centered on the Kalimba, the African Thumb Piano. From generic Christian to Born Again to Quaker, Mark's life is a tapestry of spirit and music.