Sara Bryan's Song of the Soul

First Air Date

Sara's spiritual journey might be seen as an upward spiral of sorts. She grew up in a couple different very conservative Lutheran churches which, as it developed, did not fit her well. Her exploration as a young adult took to Unity for some years, then to the Unitarian Universalist Congregation, and then back to St John's Lutheran Church, this time of the ELCA flavor. Among the other expessions of her spirit, Sara leads weekly Soul Dance in Eau Claire

Amy Chabot's Song of the Soul

First Air Date

Amy has a deep connection to Spirit and to living out her Catholic faith. She traveled for a year with National Evangelization Team (NET) Ministries following high school, spent 5 months living in a Carmelite monastery, and is headed to Catholic Theological Union for a Masters of Divinity this fall. AND she was a Religious Studies major (and Spanish minor) - not to mention her service as a Certified Nursing Assistant, work that allows her to pass on the care and blessing of God's presence in her life.