Justin Leeson's Song of the Soul

First Air Date

Justin Leeson thinks deeply, feels passionately and lives consciously, so you can look forward to some stimulating and challenging music. Bused from his St Louis neighborhood to a primarily white school majorly affected his life, as did his experience in cosmopolitan Houston. Justin has left his Southern Baptist roots far behing and practices as a Pagan currently.

Ellen Bloom Ninneman's Song of the Soul

First Air Date

Ellen was raised in a conservative part of the Lutheran Church, and she completely embraced her childhood religion. In her 30's she found herself working through guilt and rules to find a spirituality that fit her better. Focusing on the Law of Attraction is fundamental to her spiritual world view now, and her musical preferences speak clearly of her vision.

Mark Morgan's Song of the Soul

First Air Date

Mark is many things - a father, a storyteller, a sustainable living activist - and he's passionate about music. His junior high school choir even recorded 3 records! Probably best known for his work with the MREA, Mark does and teaches sustainable construction with his company, Bearpaw Design & Construction. Raised Lutheran, a stint with Unitarians, he leans toward Native American and Earth-based spirituality.