Bruce Judkins was raised Catholic but didn't really "catch" religion till he was 35. In the meantime he served in the US Air Force, had 2 failed marriages and had serious drinking and drug issues. At 35 he knelt and asked for Jesus to come into his heart, and it changed his life.
Savannah Rhae's Song of the Soul
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Savannah Rhae chose the name she now carries, just as she has self-examined and chosen to be the person she is in other ways. Raised Methodist, she is currently a member of Unity Christ Center in Eau Claire.
Debi McClain's Song of the Soul
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Debi McClain's is a joyful person with what many people might consider to be a rough life. When she was quite young she fell ill and her young parents were unable to care for her, so she spent six years in the care of her great-grandparents. More recently, in 2000, she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, a life-threatening and life-changing disease, yet her outlook is clearly upbeat and grateful for each day
Jeremy Kadinger's Song of the Soul
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Jeremy Kadinger has a special relationship with music as a Christian DJ. He does weekly music radio shows with WRJF-LP in Menomonie and WHYS-LP in Eau Claire. A member of the Jesus Fellowship of Believers in Menomonie, Jeremy is an energic and devoted disciple, father and husband.
Julie Schmitt's Song of the Soul
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Julie Schmitt loves music and instruments from all over the map. From Sanscrit chanting from India to rhythm and blues, from parodies of love songs to Native American flute and drums, Julie finds riches to inspire her spiritual growth. Julie was raised Catholic and currently attends the Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Eau Claire.
Daniel Winings' Song of the Soul
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Daniel Winings was raised without any real religious faith, but discovered it himself in college, in his pursuit of truth and consistency. He was eventually baptised into a "mega-church", but the deepening and refining of his faith did not end there. A sojourn in Indonesia and other experiences broke open his concepts of materialism and "American exceptionalism", leading him into simplicity and community with the Mennonite Church.
Kristie Pellitteri-Reynolds' Song of the Soul
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Kristie Pellitteri-Reynolds' resolution for this year is to say "Yes", to open herself to experience. She'll be heading to Thailand this coming year for 3 months of training in Thai message, though she currently works as a social worker helping ex-prisoners transition to community life. Raised ELCA Lutheran, she hasn't felt at home in "Organized Religion" but has found deep spiritual value in music, in her massage work, and in nature.
Norm Mathews' Song of the Soul
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Norm Mathews grew up mostly in Pentacostal churches, but it was really as an adult that this became his chosen religious practice. He's rededicated his life to Christ at times when he faced real challenges to his heart, like when he became an over-the-road trucker or when his 2nd daughter was on the verge of death. He is a devoted student of the Bible, trying to discern God's call for his life.
Sandra Helpsmeet's Song of the Soul
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Sandra Helpsmeet was raised Presbyterian in the Amana Colonies of central Iowa, becoming a Quaker in her 30's. Music, singing, Lake Superior, canoeing, mediative circle dance and Yoga are just a few of the passions in her life.
Traci Ohlman's Song of the Soul
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Traci Ohlman grew up ELCA Lutheran, but in a somewhat conservative congregation. Very active until in her 20's, she came to a major upset in her life, leading her to search on, including some years as a Unitarian and currently interested in Buddhism, but not firmly rooted anywhere.