Refusing to be Enemies - Nonviolence in Palestine and Israel

Refusing to be Enemies - Nonviolence in Palestine & Israel

Maxine Kaufman-Lacusta's bookRefusing to be Enemies: Palestinian and Israeli Nonviolent Resistance to the Israeli Occupation delves deep into sides of the conflict that most US media never approach, and does it through the words of Palestinian & Israeli workers for peace, plus a few people outside of the Middle East. There's both more reality and hope in this work than we've been led to expect. Maxine has spent considerable time in the Middle East, both growing up as a North American Jew, and further as a peace activist and Quaker.

A more in-depth review of the book can be found in Friends Journal.

First Air Date

Refusing to be Enemies - Nonviolence in Palestine and Israel

Audio file

BONUS EXCERPT: Politics in the 1st and 2nd Intifada
A different character, in terms of politics, in the 1st and 2nd Intifada - Maxine explains....
BONUS EXCERPT: Ratio of deaths Israeli/Palestinian:
Is the death & suffering proportional? How many Palestinians die for each Israeli death?
BONUS EXCERPT: Violence from both sides!
International volunteers don't only get hurt by Israeli forces!

Broadcast Date(s)


Maxine Kaufman-Lacusta


Just listened to the Jan 5 2014 program with Maxine Kaufman-La Custa . I learned more in an hour then I've picked up from mainstream media in decades. Really like the concept of "outside the box of a two state solution" Confederation analogous to the European union makes a lot of sense ! Thanks for the Christmas gift.

The quality of this interview is top notch for both interviewer and subject; not a superfluous word in the show.Maxine's depth of knowledge, reflecting her decades of involvement, is inspiring as is her humility.

I thought I already left a comment, but just in case: I was really thrilled to hear this interview, as it was not only seemlessly edited (read: I couldn't tell what, if anything, was left out, moved, etc.), hearing it reminded me of what a great experience it was. Mark clearly had both read my (500+-page) book and thought about it. His questions showed that thought and made me think, without putting me on the spot. I'm sharing this link with everyone I think might be interested in the subject of nonviolent resistance to the Israeli occupation. With thanks, Maxine Kaufman-Lacusta Burnaby, BC Canada

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